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Why is it that geniuses tend to have the most intriguing routines?

According to Mason Curry, author of "Daily Rituals: How Artists Work," a "solid routine fosters a well-worn groove for one’s mental energies."

In other words, having a set routine lets you put all of your energy into the work you're doing, rather than spend your time deciding which work to do.


Harvard Business Review writer Sarah Green recently looked into the routines of brilliant artists, including Pablo Picasso, Jane Austen, and Ernest Hemingway, to find out how they got their work done. Here's what she found:

1. They minimized distractions.

With our increasing use of technology, brain researchers are finding that we're more distracted, and it's making us dumber. But history's creatives — authors especially — knew to block out the noise. William Faulkner didn't have a lock on the door to his study, so he brought the doorknob with him. Austen kept a door hinge squeaky so she'd always know when people were approaching. And if Mark Twain's family wanted to speak with him, they'd blow a horn, so as to not disturb him with a knock.

2. They went for a daily walk.

Armed with a notebook, Friedrich Nietzsche took a two-hour walk twice a day, once in the morning and again after lunch. Immanuel Kant also had a daily walk after lunch. Meanwhile, Charles Dickens, Soren Kierkegaard, and Ludwig van Beethoven all did their thinking while meandering. (Although Beethoven did some of his best composing while bathing.)

3. They drew a line between important work and busywork.

"Before there was email, there were letters," Green writes at HBR. "Many (creative geniuses) would divide the day into real work (such as composing or painting in the morning) and busywork (answering letters in the afternoon)."
“邮件未发明之前,人们都是采用信件,“格林在《哈佛商业评论》中这样写道,” 许多大师会将一天分成真正的工作(比如早上创作或作画)和繁忙的工作(下午回信)。