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4. They weren't very social.

While some behavioral scientists have found that having strong connections makes you more successful, some of the most influential creative people lived in relative isolation.

Take Simone de Beauvoir, whose 1949 "The Second Sex" gave a theoretical voice to feminism. A friend of Beauvoir's said her lifestyle included "no parties, no receptions, no bourgeois values… It was an uncluttered kind of life, a simplicity deliberately constructed so that she could do her work.”

Semi-isolation worked for painters, too. As Green reports, Picasso and his girlfriend Fernande Olivier designated their Sundays as "at-home" days, so they wouldn't have to deal with the "obligations of friendship."

5. They stopped before they were running on empty.

Hemingway was rigorous about his productivity. He'd track the number of words he wrote per day on a chart, "so as not to kid myself.” But he was also careful not to exhaust his creative stores. In an interview with the Paris Review, Hemingway emphasized the importance of building a creative rhythm, saying you shouldn't finish your work for the day unless you know how you'll start tomorrow.
海明威对自己的写作产量非常严格。他把自己每天要写的字数记在一张表格上,“这样就不会糊弄自己。” 同时,他也非常注意不要过分榨取自己的灵感。在《巴黎评论》的一次采访中,海明威强调了形成创作节奏的重要性,他认为除非清楚第二天该如何开始,否则不可以结束一天的工作。

"The important thing is to have good water in the well," Hemingway said, "and it is better to take a regular amount out than to pump the well dry and wait for it to refill."