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关于互联网的10条使用规则 你遵守了吗?


1. We’re All Judging You

Nobody likes to be judged, but the truth is, we’re all judging everyone. Part of growing up is realizing, understanding, and accepting that not only is everyone judging books by their covers, it’s actually what covers are designed for.

Every profile, picture, or comment you post says something about who you are, whether you realize it or not. Even the metadata collectively builds a picture of you.

关于互联网的10条使用规则 你遵守了吗?

2. Your Security Is Your Problem

You know how there are signs in every parking garage saying they’re not responsible for lost or stolen items in your vehicle? The Internet works the same way.

Social media sites, email providers, online retail—they all do what they can to protect themselves and you (in that order) from security breaches, but it’s ultimately up to you. I can build Ft. Knox, but if you keep giving out the key, the gold isn’t all that safe.

3. Porn and Pirates Exist

You’ll never clean up the Internet, and it’s not even worth trying. In trying to suppress the Internet, you’re trying to suppress people’s imaginations. That’ll never fly—individuals may be subdued, but you’ll never quell the collective mindset of the Internet.

The more oppressed we are on the outside, the more we’ll rage online. People love porn and piracy; traffic statistics routinely prove this. Stop fighting it and work with it.

4. You’re Speaking in a Public Forum

Everything you post online is equivalent to posting it on the front page of the newspaper and delivering it to everyone around you. Some people may agree, and some may disagree. You may even strike a chord with enough people to spark a movement.

You can’t control what people do with your message, but you can control your message. Only say online what you’re willing to say in front of your grandma.

5. It’s Not Just What You Post, but Where

The content of your posts matters, but so does where you’re posting. The audience of a particular website may not agree with your particular message (or at least with the way you’re presenting it), so be careful what you post where.