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关于互联网的10条使用规则 你遵守了吗?

6. Whether You Agree or Not, Majority Rules

Take PR exec Justine Sacco for example. Late last year, this woman tweeted a joke on her way to Africa, and by the time she landed, she was fired. I don’t agree with her termination, and I’m sure she doesn’t either, but our opinions don’t matter, because the majority spoke.

The Internet is as close to a true democracy as we have in this world, so, for good or bad, the majority rules.

7. Toughen Your Skin

There are some really mean people out there saying and doing some really mean things. It’s good to fight for justice. You should speak out when you see something wrong, but it’s not realistic to think the world will instantly change.

Life’s not fair for anyone, so it’s fair in that sense. Thicken your skin and learn to take criticism because people would much rather learn and debate knowledge than argue and fight about morality.

8. Big Brothers Are Watching

You’re being monitored. Everyone is monitoring you. This is not a test, and it’s not some marketing ploy (although the marketing industry is involved in monitoring you). Understand you’re not just being judged by your peers—you’re being judged by the powers that be. It’s not just in the US either; everyone’s trying to pry into your private life.

9. Keep It Civil

Freedom of speech is important—everyone should have the right to say what they want, and a few idiots who abuse this freedom can’t ruin it for anyone. You can say whatever you want.

This doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences to your words; however, so proceed with caution. From your end, put forth the effort to be courteous and considerate of people you interact with, whether online or off.

10. You Should Be Anonymous

Anonymous sounds like some crazy hacker group filled with rowdy kids, but it’s not. Anonymous is an ideal supported by grown and successful adults and innovators in every industry. The reason we all support Anonymous is because we believe every human being deserves the basic human right of choosing the size of their own personal bubble. You should be Anonymous too.