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突发CEO闹绯闻 公关危机的正确做法


9: Don't get Swiftboated

9: 不要无视居心不良的指控

In 2004, John Kerry fell prey to the obviously politically motivated Swiftboat Veterans for Truth by refusing to dignify the smears with a response -- until the damage to his poll numbers was already done. It was a case study in the importance of refuting scurrilous accusations early and forcefully.

2004年,一个名为“快艇老兵寻求真相”(Swiftboat Veterans for Truth)的组织质疑民主党总统候选人约翰•克里越战事迹的真实性。克里起初不愿回应这个明显带有政治目的的诽谤,直至这起事件对他的支持率造成了难以挽回的损害。通过这一案例,我们应该明白,迅速且有力地驳斥下流无耻的指控是多么重要。