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拒绝心力衰竭 打造强健心脏之路

Mr. Cloutier had quadruple bypass surgery in 2000. He also had a defibrillator implanted in 2003 and a pacemaker put in three years ago. Since then, he has avoided being admitted to the hospital, an accomplishment he and Dr. Ades attribute to his regular physical activity. Until recently, Mr. Cloutier, a nonsmoker, organized regular 20-to-40-mile bicycle trips in the Vermont countryside. Last year, though, his heart-failure symptoms caught up with him and he said he was able to ride only 3 miles. He's hoping to get that to 5 to 10 miles weekly this summer. And he keeps up his rehab regimen, currently 20-minute treadmill sessions at 3 miles an hour and using a weight machine two to three times a week. On other days, he goes on 1 mile walks.

'The heart is a muscle,' he said. 'If you don't exercise it and keep it in reasonable shape then it's going to deteriorate and give you problems. That's why I keep going back.'

The Medicare decision extends coverage to patients whose heart-pumping function is compromised to a specific level and who have certain heart-failure symptoms despite being on an optimal drug therapy for at least six weeks. It offers one course of 36 sessions for up to 36 weeks, though two- or three-times-a-week sessions are optimal. Patients could apply for a second course of rehab, but generally, they would have to pay out of pocket after completing the first course.

The new decision affects about 50% of patients with chronic heart failure. Medicare officials said more data are need to determine whether cardiac rehab will benefit the others, who have a different form of the condition.

Doctors expect the trigger for coverage for many patients will be their first hospital admission for heart failure. At that time, doctors would discuss starting an exercise program with a patient after six weeks on medications.

The first episode 'is your teachable moment,' said Mariell Jessup, a heart failure doctor at University of Pennsylvania and president of the American Heart Association. Upon hearing the diagnosis, people think it is a death sentence. 'We say, 'you're not going to die. We're going to work on you living.'
宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)心力衰竭医生、AHA主席玛丽埃尔·杰瑟普(Mariell Jessup)称,第一阶段“是你可施教的时机。”一听到诊断结果后,人们就会觉得自己被判了死刑。杰瑟普说:“我们会告诉他们,‘你不会死的,我们会努力让你活下去。”