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We all try to strike that balance between aging gracefully -- and not looking as though we're older than we really are. With age, your skin thins and grows less elastic. As a result, wrinkles, age spots and skin tags become more common. Generally speaking, you can promote healthier skin by bathing in warm -- and not hot -- water. You should also wear sunscreen and not smoke.


But even if you've done everything right, there are some body parts that just seem destined to betray your age no matter what you do. We asked our Facebook friends what body part reveals their age. The most common responses? Neck, hands and face. We've put together a list of the six body parts that betray your age first -- with some helpful hints on how to keep yourself from looking too old, too fast. What do you think? Let us know in comments.



1. Hands

1. 双手

Always exposed to the elements, your hands probably give away your age more than any other body part. Experts say sun damage is the biggest culprit. As a result, you should apply sunscreen to the backs of your hands, in addition to a good hand cream at least once a day. According to one expert, it's important to keep your hands well moisturized with thick creams -- particularly overnight. And the sooner you establish a daily regimen the better. Even though hands usually start looking older in one's 20s, most people don't recognize the signs of aging until their 30s or 40s, and most people won't start changing their routines until they notice the appearance of serious aging signs.

我们的双手由于长期暴露在外,因而比其他任何部位都更容易泄漏实际年龄。专家表示,光损害(sun damage)才是罪魁祸首。因此,除了每天至少涂一次护手霜,别忘了还要在手背上涂抹防晒霜。据一位专家介绍,大量使用护手霜能够达到手部保湿的效果,尤其是在夜间。而且越早确立养生法则就越有益。事实上,在我们20多岁的时候,双手就逐渐显示出衰老的迹象。然而,大部分人一直到三四十岁才意识到这一问题的严重性,并且往往等问题发展到不可逆的时候,才想着要改变不规律的生活习惯。