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4. Neck Nora Ephron wasn't the only one worried about a turkey neck. "The truly astonishing thing is how a body part can age 10 years almost overnight. My hands did. My neck seems to have collapsed in the space of a single year, " said one post-50 friend. Indeed your neck often looks older before anything else because its skin is thinner than that on your face. Preventative measures such as the use of the same products you put on your face are a good idea -- so long as you do it before your neck has dramatically changed appearance. Makeup artist Bobbi Brown has offered some tips on hiding a turkey neck, such as wearing a nice scarf or a pretty blush that will draw attention away from your neck.

饱受“火鸡脖”(a turkey neck,由于颈部皮肤松弛下垂而形成的索条状皱纹,因类似于火鸡的脖子而得名)困扰的可不止诺拉伊弗龙(Nora Ephron)一个人。这位50多岁的网友说:“最可怕的是一个身体部位的变化竟然在一夜之间让你看上去老了10岁。我的手就是这样。我的脖子在过去一年间也看得出衰老的痕迹。确实,由于颈部皮肤比面部皮肤还要细嫩,因此,颈部就成了年龄的第二体征。在颈部使用和面部一样的护肤品当然是个好方法,前提是你不能等到颈部皮肤变差以后才“亡羊补牢”。化妆师波什·布朗(Bobbi Brown)教你如何遮挡“火鸡脖”——戴上一条好看的围巾,或是想办法将别人的注意力从你的颈部转移到面部。