有一些人认为,上述数字太过保守,但是他们的论点并没有得到数据的支持。一位批评家是物理学家伯纳德·科恩(Bernard Cohen),他曾经预言到:“在50年以后,全球所有人类接受的辐射总量将最终达到600亿毫仑目,足以令约16,000人丧生。”我们可以换个角度来看待这个数字,美国每年因火力发电厂污染而导致死亡的人数也高达16,000人。
Besides the U.N.'s Chernobyl report, the most extensive data on human exposure to radiation is the American-Japanese joint study of hibakusha -- 'explosion-affected persons' -- the 200,000 survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The expectations at the start of that study (which has taken over 60 years and continues to this day) were that survivorswould be overrun with tumors and leukemia and that a percentage of their descendants would be genetically deformed. Instead, researcher Evan Douple concluded, 'The risk of cancer is quite low, lower than what the public might expect.'
除了联合国围绕切尔诺贝利事故的报告以外,关于人类辐射最详实的调查就数美日两国联合进行的幸存者研究了—这里的幸存者指的广岛和长崎20万名“受原子弹爆炸影响的人群”。在研究伊始(该研究已经进行了60多年并且仍在继续),研究人员预计幸存者将大规模罹患肿瘤疾病和白血病,他们的后代中也将有一部分人难逃基因畸形的厄运。然而,研究人员埃文·杜普勒(Evan Douple)总结道:“幸存者罹患癌症的风险相当低,低于公众的预期水平。”
Radiologist John Moulder analyzed the results of one group of 50,000 survivors, about 5,000 of whom had developed cancer: 'Based on what we know of the rest of the Japanese population, you would have expected about 4,500 of them. So we have 5,000 cancers over 50 years where we would expect 4,500.' Assuming that the 500 additional cases are all due to radiation, that means a rate of 1%. And there was no increase in inherited mutations. Remember: These aren't victims of a power plant breakdown; they are survivors of a nuclear attack.
放射学学者约翰·莫尔德(John Moulder)对50,000名幸存者的资料进行了分析,他们中的5,000人罹患了癌症:“基于我们对其他日本民众患癌率的了解,这50,000名幸存者中的癌症患者人数本应为4,500人。所以,从这50年来看,这是一个5,000例病例与4,500例病例的区别。”假设这多出来的500例病例都是由辐射导致的,那么这意味着这个比例为1%。另外,辐射并没有带来遗传性突变的增加。记住:他们并不是核电站损毁的受害者;他们是核打击的幸存者。
For the Fukushima disaster of 2011, the consensus estimate is a 1% increase in cancer for employees who worked at the site and an undetectable increase for the plant's neighbors. Just think of the difference between the overwhelming nuclear fears and nightmares we've all suffered from since 1945 and that range of increased risk: 0% to 1%. And if that's not enough to question everything you thought you knew about radiation, consider that, even after the catastrophe in Japan, the likelihood of work-related death and injury for nuclear plant workers is lower than for real estate agents . . . and for stockbrokers.
Here's the truth about you and radiation: There's no reason to worry about power-plant meltdowns or airport scanners, where the X-rays have been replaced by millimeter wave machines. And don't worry about those radioactive everyday items. By scientific measures, the average American gets 620 millirems of radiation each year, half from background exposure, and that number needs to reach 100,000 to be worrisome.
Instead of fretting about these things, have your basement tested for radon. Monitor how many nuclear diagnostics and treatments, from X-rays to CT scans, you and your family get. Use sunscreen. And follow the advice of the woman who defined 'radioactivity,' Marie Curie: 'Now is the time to understand more, so that we fear less.'
与其烦恼这些事情,你还不如请人测试一下地下室的氡值。记录你自己和家人进行核医疗诊断和治疗的次数(包括X光扫描和CT扫描)。使用防晒霜。并且听从曾对“放射性”做出过定义的居里夫人(Marie Curie)的意见:“现在是时候加深了解了,这样我们的恐惧才会减轻。”
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