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2014-04-28来源:Business Insider
6. They read. Successful people don’t spend their lunch hour reading emails and reports. They catch up on newspapers, blogs, and books.
6. 他们会读书。成功人士不会在午餐的时间处理电邮和报告。他们会抓紧时间读报纸、博客和书。

7. They accomplish personal tasks. Successful people might run errands during their lunch hour, which they would not otherwise be able to take care of during the day. They also use this time to make personal calls, schedule appointments, write thank you notes, and achieve any other tasks from their personal to-do list.
7. 他们会完成私人事情。成功人士会在午餐的时间处理自己的杂事,这些事他们可能无法在一天内其他时间处理。他们还会利用这段时间来打一些私人电话,安排私人约会,写感谢便条,或者完成在待办事项上其他的一些事情。

8. They unplug and recharge. Use your lunch hour to recharge by shutting off electronics and enjoying some peace and quiet.
8. 他们会远离人群,重新充电。利用自己的午餐时间“充电”,关掉电子设备,享受一些平和安静。

9. They spend time on career planning. During your lunch hour, take a few minutes to think about and write down what you want your professional future to look like, Kurow says. “Successful people rarely have time in the office to do this. Take a notebook, and find a place to journal your thoughts. ”
9. 他们会花时间进行职业规划。午餐时间,花几分钟思考并写下自己的职业愿景。成功人士很少在办公的时候花时间做这些事情。找出笔记本,找个地方记录下自己的想法。

10. They brainstorm. Successful people use this time to dream of new concepts, ideas, and solutions that can be applied to their professional and/or personal lives.
10. 他们会进行头脑风暴。成功人士会利用这段时间天马行空想出新的概念,想法,以及方案。这些想法、概念和方案可以应用到他们的职业或私人生活中去。