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4. They plan everything down to the T.
4. 计划好每件事情。

Extremely punctual people not only show up to places on time, but also lead highly structured and organized lifestyles. They plan out their mornings, days, and nights with a set of activities and routines and stick to them every day. They keepcalendars up to date with new meetings and appointments and try not to overschedule. Being organized with your belongings can also save you time — keep your keys, wallet, and phone in a designated area so that you don't have to search for them in the mornings. To become more punctual, try adding more structure to your daily routine!

5. They get things done ahead of time.
5. 提前把事情完成。

Punctual people get everything done ahead of time, because procrastinating means stressing out and scrambling at the last minute. They pick out what to wear and pack their bags the night before. If they're packing lunch for work, they do that the night before as well. By getting things done early, they have less to worry about in the morning and can focus on being punctual.

6. They go to bed early.
6. 睡觉很早。

Why do most people stay up late? Probably because they waited until the last minute to finish an assignment or project. Naturally, punctual people don't stay up as late, because they avoid procrastinating. By getting to bed early, they sleep better and wake up feeling rested.

7. They're morning people.
7. 起床很早。

On a similar note, punctual people don't press the snooze button — they get up when they're supposed to. Because they sleep better after getting to bed earlier, they don't have trouble waking up. They go to bed and get up at reliable hours to start their days off right.