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As if you needed another reason to run out for another cappuccino, along comes a new study by three university professors suggesting that caffeine may help make the sleep-deprived more honest.

"Our research shows that sleep deprivation contributes to unethical behavior at work by making you more susceptible to social influences, such as a boss who tells you to do something deceptive," says Michael Christian, a co-author of the study who teaches organizational behavior at the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School. "Caffeine can help you resist by strengthening your self-control and willpower when you're exhausted."
“我们的研究显示,缺少睡眠会导致人们对社交影响的敏感程度提高,因此就会更容易做出一些有违道德的行为,比如老板让你去实施某种欺骗行为的时候,”研究的合作者迈克•克里斯蒂安说道,他是北卡罗莱纳大学肯南弗拉格勒商学院(Kenan-Flagler Business School)组织行为学教师。他补充说:“但咖啡因却可在你疲倦不堪的时候,增强你的自控能力和意志力,以抵消这些影响。”


The findings are important for managers, he adds: "We tend to think of people who work nonstop as the best employees. But they are often the ones making the worst ethical choices. It's the people working the longest hours, and getting the least sleep, that managers need to keep their eye on."

The research, published in the March issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology, built on a 2011 study of 171 hospital nurses who showed "increases in hostility and dishonesty, including theft, and decreases in self-control" after working long shifts without sleep, Christian said.
这项发表在《应用心理学杂志》(Journal of Applied Psychology)三月号上的研究于2011年调查了171位医院护士。研究人员发现,在长时间工作却不睡觉的情况下,这些护士都表现出了更多的“敌意以及包括偷窃在内的欺诈行为,她们的自制力也出现下降”,克里斯蒂安说。

For this study -- which, by the way, wasn't sponsored by Starbucks -- volunteers who had been kept awake all night were divided into two groups. All were asked to chew gum in the morning, but one group got a plain wintergreen placebo, while the other chomped on gum laced with 200 milligrams of caffeine, or about the same amount that's in two cups of black coffee.