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As we head from spring into summer, many college students are planning their vacations while those looking to get their first taste of the working world are likely hunting for internships.

It is estimated that U.S. companies hire about 1.5 million interns each year, half of them on anunpaid basis. Working for free might not be a big deal for some who are just grateful to have their foot in the door, but a class-action lawsuit led by interns who worked on the set of the 2010 film, Black Swan, could change that mindset and have far-reaching implications. The plaintiffs want back pay for their work and seek to bar the film's producer, Fox Searchlight, from using unpaid interns in the future.
据估计,美国公司每年约聘用150万名实习生,其中一半没有工资。因为有机会一脚踏入职场,有人为此而心存感激,免费工作对他们来说没什么大不了的。但2010年电影《黑天鹅》(Black Swan)剧组工作的实习生提出的集体诉讼却改变了这种思维,而且产生了深远的影响。这些实习生要求剧组支付工作报酬,同时希望禁止电影公司福克斯探照灯(Fox Searchlight)在未来继续使用无薪实习生。


However the lawsuit goes, it could say a lot about how companies should value the work of interns and whether interns have a right to a paycheck like employees

It's perfectly reasonable for interns to be paid. Stipends for living expenses are only fair, especially for young people from low-income households, who may not otherwise be able to afford an unpaid internship. Paying interns also helps employers draw better talent, such as atGoogle (GOOG), which actively recruits interns and pays them handsomely for working on substantive projects.

Nevertheless, it would be wrong to elevate the fight over intern pay to the level of seriousness accorded to the ongoing debate over raising the federal minimum wage. For the most part, internships are training wheels, and the rules applied to them shouldn't be the same as a regular job. The decision to pay interns should really be at the discretion of employers -- not a matter of law.

This is simply because there are many benefits to internships, regardless of whether it's paid or not; and at times, interns get a lot more out of the internship than the companies they intern for. The biggest benefit is pure work experience. Interns often gain valuable insight into industries and careers that they're looking to pursue. Few start at the top; most successful people work their way up from humble tasks.

Internships also teach work ethic, which young people don't necessarily pick up in school. Lessons such as humility, the acceptance that no task is beneath one's dignity, and recognition of the chain of command, are all important to learn before a young person is ready to enter a competitive workforce. True, some of those skills can also be acquired as a cashier at a fast-food restaurant but if a young person wants to become a fashion designer, for instance, work experience and a reference from a good fashion design house is a lot more relevant than one from McDonalds (MCD).