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Another thing to consider: A simple tenet of the business world is that the more you get paid, the less runway you have to "learn" your job. Interns, especially unpaid ones, are rarely held to the same rigorous standards during the interview process or in the workplace as actual employees are. The expectations of interns in general are lower, and tolerance for mistakes is higher. That's to the benefit of young people, who need time, training, and patience to reach the level of skill that businesses require.

During college I held three gigs: two unpaid internships at Wall Street brokerage houses, and a paid part-time job as a sales associate at a retail store. In my internships, I answered phones, fetched coffee, typed up letters, and many other things. Having three gigs was not easy, but the full load forced me to put my ego aside and learn to work. When I got to my first real job in investment banking and had to work long hours in a high-pressure environment, I was able to handle it. My banking internships may not have paid me, but they did provide me with useful training.

The danger with filing lawsuits to squash unpaid internships is that many companies, either due to budgetary constraints or simply as a philosophy, may curtail or even kill their internship programs in response.

And while businesses would certainly be worse off without interns, the reverse holds true as well. Without these programs, many young men and women would lose the chance to learn important lessons about work and life that could prepare them for the next step in their development. It is an essential part of our social contract that should be maintained.

Perhaps there is some middle ground to be found that benefits everyone?