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Most managers are familiar with the idea that no matter how busy they are, they could do more. There's always another project to take on, another meeting to attend, another email to answer.

Well, now there's a new school of thought about how managers are supposed to get more done -- and done better.

They should just do less.

'Everybody says their days are too short,' says J. Keith Murnighan, a professor at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and author of 'Do Nothing! How to Stop Overmanaging and Become a Great Leader.' The key to unlocking greater productivity, Dr. Murnighan says, is to just say no: to switch off the email pings, decline meeting invitations and get home in time for dinner.
西北大学(Northwestern University)凯洛格商学院(Kellogg School of Management)教授、《什么都别做!如何不再过度管理成为伟大领导者》(Do Nothing! How to Stop Overmanaging and Become a Great Leader)一书作者J・凯斯・莫尼根(J. Keith Murnighan)说:“每个人都说他们的时间不够用。”莫尼根博士指出,释放更高生产率的关键就是说“不”:关闭电子邮件提醒、拒绝会议邀请、准时回家吃晚饭。


In fact, dozens of studies all say the same thing: Doing less, and doing it without interruptions, can be the key to being a more productive manager and entrepreneur. A 2008 study by researchers at University of California, Irvine, and Humboldt University in Berlin, for instance, found that constant interruptions cause work to suffer and 'people to change not only work rhythms but also strategies and mental states.'
事实上,几十项研究都得出了相同的结论:少做事、做的时候全心投入不受外界干扰,是成为更高效管理者和企业家的关键。比如加州大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine)和柏林洪堡大学(Humboldt University)的研究人员在2008年开展的一项研究发现,持续的干扰会影响工作的完成,也会导致人不仅要改变工作节奏,还得调整工作计划和精神状态。

According to study co-author Gloria Mark, a professor at Irvine, 'Stress went up significantly when being interrupted.' The cause of the stress, she says: 'having to keep shifting your attention.'
该研究报告的共同作者之一、加州大学欧文分校教授格洛丽亚・马克(Gloria Mark)说:“受到干扰的时候,人的压力会显著增加。”她说,产生压力的根源“势必会不断转移你的注意力”。

But while executives may understand intellectually that busy days at the office don't equal productivity, putting laziness into practice is more difficult than it sounds. Reorganizations that allow executives to focus less on day-to-day tasks are crucial but can take months or years, says Stephan Liozu, a corporate consultant and adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University. Other helpful steps, he says, can be enforcing interruption-free vacations and requiring detailed job descriptions that free up senior managers from work that can be easily delegated to others.
然而,虽然管理者们心里可能很清楚在办公室不停的忙碌并不等同于有效率,但真要放手不干却是说得容易做起来难。企业顾问、凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)兼职教授斯蒂芬・里奥祖(Stephan Liozu)说,重新进行组织规划、以便让管理者们少花精力在日常事务上这一步非常重要,但也许要经历数月或数年才能完成。他说,其他有用的方法还有:强迫休假同时避免任何干扰;制定详细的职务说明、把高管们从那些可以轻松交由他人代办的工作中释放出来。

Even when companies say they want to make a change, Mr. Liozu says, most don't act on it. 'They are stuck,' he says. He adds that he often asks executives to stop sending emails on weekends to make it clear to others that they are off the clock. But many executives don't know how to slow down and meet more reasonable deadlines.