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An innovative new language exchange program is helping Brazilian students practice their English while brightening up the often solitary lives of elderly American retirees.
有一个创意十足的语言交流项目, 不仅帮助了许多巴西学生练习英语口语,同时还点亮了美国退休老人孤独的老年生活。

In this Speaking Exchange project, Brazilian students were paired up with seniors at Windsor Park Retirement Community in Chicago.

In a video showing how the program works, the pairs carry on conversations via video chat, discussing their families, hobbies, pasts and futures - and forming special bonds in the process.

双赢创意:巴西学生和美国退休老人练<a href=http://www.hxen.net/oralenglish/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>口语</a>

One such pair is a young boy in Brazil who smiles as he speaks with an elderly American man. The man is seen holding up a black-and-white photo of a couple and showing it to his video pen pal.

'This is your dad?' asks the boy. The man responds: 'That's me and my wife when we were young!'

'Oh you were good-looking when you were younger,' says the boy. 'And you're still good-looking!'

Another exchange takes place between an older American woman and a female student, who tells her about her family life.

'I live with my older brother. He has 23 years,' she says. The lady responds patiently: 'Do you know instead of saying, ‘He has 23 years,’ you could say, ‘He is 23 years old.'
“我和哥哥住在一起,他23岁了。”女生说道。老太太非常耐心地指导她:“你知道吗,想说‘他23岁了’,你应该用‘He is 23 years old.’ 而不是'He has 23 years old.'”

Joanna Monteiro, the executive creative director at FCB Brazil, told AdWeek: 'The idea is simple and it's a win-win proposition for both the students and the American senior citizens.

'It's exciting to see their reactions and contentment. It truly benefits both sides,' she added.

To help the students improve, the video conversations are recorded, allowing teachers to review them and critique their language.