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Last summer, Lynn Good became CEO of Duke Energy. Under her leadership, the $25 billion company experienced a 50% increase in profits. Formally the firm's chief financial officer, Good spent the year navigating Duke Energy (DUK) through a difficult merger with Progress Energy.
去年夏天,琳恩古德成当上了杜克能源(Duke Energy)的CEO。在她的领导下,这家250亿美元的公司实现了利润增长50%。作为前首席财务官,古德在过去一年带领杜克能源经历了与Progress Energy的艰难合并。

Good is one of just a handful of women -- in the world -- who became CEO of a large company last year. While 332 of the 2,500 biggest publicly traded companies globally brought in a new executive officer, women filled just 10 of those positions, according to a new study from management consulting firm Strategy&, formerly Booz & Company. Despite droves of women entering higher education and the global work force, the number of women filling top executive roles hasn't budged for some time. In the past 10 years, 84 women have taken over the top role at the world's largest firms compared with 2,942 men, according to Strategy&.
古德是去年全球范围内出任大型公司CEO的少数女性之一。管理咨询公司Strategy&(前Booz & Company)的最新研究显示,全球2,500家大型上市公司中有332家新聘请了CEO,其中只有10位是女性。虽然全球范围内有大批女性接受了高等教育,进入了职场,但获得最高层管理职位的女性数量近年来没怎么变化。Strategy&公司的统计显示,过去十年,只有84位女性获得了全球大型公司的最高管理职位,而男性数量则为2,942位。


Strategy&'s initial findings on gender imbalance in the C-suite may not be encouraging (or surprising), but its projection for the future is slightly brighter. Citing trends in women going on to higher education, the share of women in the workforce and shifting social norms, researchers claim as much as a third of the incoming CEO class will be made up of women by 2040.

So how do we get from 3% to 33% in 25 years? Assuming that the median age of 53 for a CEO stays relatively the same, the women entering the workforce today will be eligible for CEO status in their careers by Strategy&'s projected 2040. Since 1970, the number of women enrolling in colleges worldwide has grown nearly twice as fast as the number of men. In the U.S., roughly 40% of all MBA candidates were women in 2012 and today women make up about 40% of the global work force.

Ken Favaro, Strategy& senior partner and author of the study, described the disconnect we see between the growing percentage of women going into business and the stagnating percentage reaching the executive level as a "numbers game." It takes time for women entering business today to get enough experience to become eligible for leadership roles within their firms, he explained.