Every day, hundreds of thousands of us pop into coffee shops. While we sip our cappuccinos, we may connect our smartphones to the cafes’ Wi-Fi network, and catch up with friends via services such as Facebook.
As well as socialising, we may use the time and free access to a wireless connection to get on top of our finances. That £75 you owe the plumber can be paid instantly by accessing your bank’s website or app. Transferring money from your savings account to your current account is nothing more than a few taps on your screen.
But what coffee drinkers do not suspect is that lurking among their fellow latte lovers are bank robbers.但是慢悠悠喝着咖啡的人们从没想到,银行盗贼会潜伏在他们周围那些爱喝拿铁的顾客里。
Unbeknown to you, this modern form of bank robber is silently harvesting all your private data. The only sign of his thievery is perhaps a little smile as your bank log-in details appear on his screen, ready for him to copy and paste before plundering your account within seconds of you finishing your coffee.
In short, you’ve just been mugged — but you’ll only realise when you later go to a cash machine to withdraw some money, and discover that every penny in your account has been cleared out. During an anxious phone call to the bank, you’ll learn that an online thief has hacked into your account and stolen all your money.简单来说,你刚刚被盗了——但是只有你去取款机取钱、发现卡里一分钱都没有了的时候,才会发现自己被盗。等到你焦急地给银行打电话时,你就会明白是一个网络小偷黑了你的网银,偷光了你的钱。
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