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Staring you in the face

Many soon-to-be graduates don’t take full advantage of their school’s career services office despite the fact that it’s expressly designed to help them. One of the best resources it offers is the alumni directory, according to Carpenter. First, search for alumni who work in your industry and who have a shared interest with you, whether it’s the same major, sport or other activity. Second, look for alumni who either work in your industry, or work at companies that appeal to you. Request informational interviews.
很多快毕业的学生并没有充分利用学校的职业服务办公室的帮助,尽管该办公室就是专门为他们设计的。据Carpenter,该办公室提供的最好资源是校友录。首先,从校友录里找一下谁在你想从事的行业里工作,谁和你有着相同的兴趣,比如相同的专业、运动或其他活动。其次,找一下在你想从事行业里工作的校友或在你感兴趣公司里工作的校友。 还可以在办公室里询问面试相关的信息。

A creative approach

At Sonoma State University in Northern California, some 44% of graduating seniors won’t have a career job when they graduate, according to Ken Heinzel, a marketing and management lecturer at the school and a former executive headhunter.
在北加州索诺玛州立大学,44%的毕业生没有找到工作。据Ken Heinzel所言。他是学校里市场营销和管理的讲师,以前是猎头公司的高管。

While statistics like this may make you feel better to know that you are not alone, it also means that there are a lot of people competing for the same jobs.

“I tell students that it's their value to a prospective firm that will get them hired,” said Heinzel. “However, before they can explain their value, they must get the firm's or hiring manager's attention.” In a tough job market, like today’s, that can be difficult.

Heinzel recommends students take a creative approach and make an information packet that they can send to the hiring manager or manager in the department where the target job opening is. The packet should contain a short cover letter, a resume and a creative item designed to get the manager's attention. For example, one candidate who was applying to a position at a firearms company included his highest scoring paper target from a target-practice range, according to Heinzel. He got the interview.

Standing out

“Attention is the scarcest commodity in the new economy,” wrote Ritvik Lukose, CEO of Vahura, India's leading legal and governance search firm with headquarters in Mumbai. Therefore, it’s imperative that you make yourself stand out.
“在新经济时代,注意力是最稀缺的产品了,”Ritvik Lukose写道。他是Vahura的CEO。Vahura是印度领先的法律和管理猎头公司,总部设在孟买。因此,当务之急,就是让自己脱颖而出。

Lukose suggested getting the attention of your top-five target employers by giving them something useful to their line of work: a piece of research, a marketing pitch or a new product idea, for example. “This shows both a deep interest in that employer as well as your competence on the job,” he wrote.

It’s up to you to grab their attention, he said, adding: “Remember, if they don't call you, it’s because you are not on their mind.”