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端午最精彩 龙舟节在美国


Introduction of dragonboat

A dragon boat or dragonboat is nothing but a human-powered watercraft. It is made out of teak wood in the Pearl River Delta region of China's southern Guangdong Province. It is made of various designs and sizes.

Dragon boats form the base of the team paddling sport called dragon boat racing, an amateur water sport having its roots in an ancient folk lore of competing villagers. It has been held over the past 2000 years all over southern China.

端午最精彩 龙舟节在美国

Dragon boat racing has surfaced in modern times as an international sport, starting in 1976 in Hong Kong. However, the history of dragon boats in competition goes as far back as the same age as the aboriginal games of Olympia taking place in ancient Greece.


The usual crew of a contemporary dragon boat typically consists of 22 people, comprising majorly of 20 paddler-pairs facing the bow of the boat. Then there is 1 drummer or caller at the bow end, facing the paddlers and finally 1 sweep or the one who steers at the rear end of the boat. 当代的龙舟上一般有22个参赛队员,包括20个向着船头的划手,还有1个面对着划手,站在船尾的鼓手或锣手。最后,还有一个舵手或者说站在船尾掌控方向的人。

Dragon boats do vary in length however, naturally altering the crew size accordingly, from 10 paddlers in small dragon boats up to 50 paddlers in the traditional boats.

The international dragon festival

The international dragon boat festival in the western hemisphere was first organized in June 1983 in San Diego, California.