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区别在哪儿?成功人士 VS 碌碌无为的普通人


A few weeks ago, Dave Kerpen, chief executive of Likeable Local, received a postcard thatillustrated the traits and behaviors of successful and unsuccessful people. The postcard points out 16 big differences between successful and unsuccessful people.
几周之前,Likeable Local的执行总裁戴夫·柯本收到了一张明信片,内容是成功人士和碌碌无为的人在个性和行为上的区别。明信片一共总结了成功人士和碌碌无为的人之间的16个不同点。

Here are our favorites:

区别在哪儿?成功人士 VS 碌碌无为的普通人

1. Successful people embrace change. Unsuccessful people fear it. “Embracing change is one of the hardest things a person can do,” Kerpen says. With the world moving fast and technology accelerating at a rapid speed, it’s imperative that we embrace these changes and adapt, rather than fear them, deny then, or hide from them, he says. Successful people are able to do just that.
1. 成功人士期待改变而碌碌无为的人惧怕改变。柯本说道:“对每个人来说,做到期待改变都是极端困难的。”世界在不断变化,科技在不断进步,我们必须接受这些改变并及时适应,而不是惧怕它们。

2. Successful people talk about ideas. Unsuccessful people talk about people. Instead of gossiping about people — which gets you nowhere — successful people discuss ideas. “Sharing ideas with others will only make them better,” Kerpen says.
2. 成功人士谈论想法,碌碌无为的人谈论他人。讨论他人并不会给自己带来任何好处,因此成功人士更注重讨论想法。柯本说:“和别人分享自己的想法只会带来好处。”

3. Successful people accept responsibility for their failures. Unsuccessful people blame others. Truly successful leaders and businesspeople experience both ups and downs in their lives and careers. But they always accept responsibility for their failures. Kerpen says blaming others solves nothing. “It just puts other people down and absolutely no good comes from it.”
3. 成功人士为自己的过错承担责任,碌碌无为的人责怪别人。真正成功的领导和商人在生活和职场中也遭遇过起伏。但是他们总是愿意为自己的失败承担责任。柯本认为责怪他人并不能让事情得以解决。他说:“责怪他人是对他人的不尊重,更不会带来好结果。”

4. Successful people give others all the credit for their victories. Unsuccessful people take all the credit from others. Letting people have their moments to shine motives them to work harder, and, consequently, makes you look better as a leader or teammate.
4. 成功人士肯定他人为最后胜利做出的贡献,碌碌无为的人独吞功劳。让其他人成为焦点能鼓励他们更加认真的工作,同时,也能让你成为一个体贴的领导或队友。

5. Successful people want others to succeed. Unsuccessful people secretly hope others fail. “When you’re in an organization with a group of people, in order to be successful, you all have to be successful,” Kerpen explains. That’s why the most successful people don’t wish for their demise; they want to see their co-workers succeed and grow.
5. 成功人士希望他人能够成功,碌碌无为的人暗地诅咒他人失败。柯本解释道:“当你成为一个组织的一员,为了成功,你首先要确保整个组织都成功。”这就是为什么成功人士不希望他人失败,而是希望他的同事能够成功并成长起来。

Other major differences: successful people exude joy, share data and information, read every day, and continuously learn, while unsuccessful people exude anger, hoard data and information, watch TV every day, and fly by the seat of their pants.