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5. If you’re in a really heated situation, try to avoid the word “you”.
5. 如果你处在非常激动愤怒的状态,请尽量避免用“你”这个字眼。

The word “you” is accusatory and is not going to help.

6. If you want someone to say yes to something you’re asking for, here are some options:
6. 如果你希望别人答应你请求的事,可以尝试以下几个方法:

Nod as you ask. Our brains have what are called ‘mirror neurons’ which activate to make us mimic other people’s actions. Sometimes they will also start to nod, which then makes them then agree with you.

If you have a big favor to ask, start by asking smaller ones ahead of time. This is called the foot in the door phenomenon. If you ask for small things, then work up to big things, people are more likely to say yes than if you start off with a huge favor.

Inversely, if you are asking for a small favor but still know that they will probably say no, start by asking them for a huge favor. Then when they say no, ask for the smaller one. They’re more likely to say yes, especially if they feel a bit bad about turning down the first request.

7. If you find a co-worker to be completely wrong about something especially in a meeting or work situation, it’s better to make yourself the point of reference.
7. 如果你发现同事在某件事上彻底搞错了,特别是在会议或工作场合,那么最好拿自己作参考点。

For example:

Bad: Dwight, I think you have got it completely wrong!!!!!

Better: I don’t think I understood it correctly. From what I understand, it says this _____. Am I wrong on this point?
正面:我想我可能在理解上有点偏颇。根据我的理解,你的意思是 ,我的理解对吗?

8. People who have cars with bumper stickers are more likely to exhibit road rage.
8. 保险杠后有车贴的人更倾向有马路杀手行为,所以按喇叭之前还是三思吧。

You may want to think twice before laying on the horn. A study at Colorado State University found drivers who use decals, dashboard hulas, and vanity plates, are more likely to be road ragers than others. Researchers say it comes down to the fact that people who mark their territory appear to be a bit more aggressive.