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科技是否万能 大数据能够战胜癌症吗


There are more than 13 million people living with cancer in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute, but researchers and doctors hoping to develop better treatments can only learn from a tiny percentage of them, according to Nat Turner.
据美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)称,全美癌症患者共有1300多万人。但据奈特o特纳说,那些希望能开发出更好治疗方案的研究人员和医生却只能针对其中很小一部分人开展研究。

Along with Zach Weinberg, Turner is a co-founder ofFlatiron Health, a two-year-old healthcare technology company based in New York and best known for recently raising $130 million in an investment round led by Google Ventures GOOG -1.34% . Turner believes that his company’s “cloud-based data platform” for oncology can help gather data on a disease that affects 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women. Despite more than a million cancer diagnoses in the U.S. each year, the field lacks sufficient data to improve treatment of it, he said.
特纳和扎克o维恩伯格都是Flatiron Health公司的联合创始人。这家医疗保健技术公司位于纽约,成立才刚两年。最近它刚拿到谷歌风投(Google Ventures)领衔投资的1.3亿美元,名噪一时。特纳相信,他们公司打造的肿瘤学“云数据平台”可以帮助收集那些影响一半男性及三分之一女性的癌症相关数据。他说,尽管美国每年确诊的癌症有上百万例,但却一直缺乏足够的相关数据去改进癌症治疗方案。

科技是否万能 大数据能够战胜癌症吗

“In America, most of the learning that occurs in healthcare is in clinical trials,” Turner said. Yet a full 96 percent of patients do not participate. “It’s a huge problem: If 100 patients walk in the door, we’re only learning from four of them.”

Information is certainly collected on the other 96%—but it is typically trapped in electronic medical records (EMR) systems and doctors’ notes, Turner said. “Our vision is to aggregate the data on that 96 percent, organize it, and make it usable by physicians, patients, and any of the stakeholders here,” he said. “Ultimately, we want to improve cancer care.”

‘Their concern is longevity’

Flatiron’s OncologyCloud platform includes an analytics section, an EMR piece that comes courtesy of the company’s recent acquisition of Altos Solutions, a patient portal, and a billing portion. Together, the technologies provide what the company calls the world’s largest single source of structured real-world oncology data and intelligence. By enabling that data to be shared in HIPAA-compliant ways, Flatiron hopes it will accelerate personalized medicine and research.
Flatiron公司的肿瘤学云平台含有一个分析模块,一个电子病历模块,这两者是这家公司近期收购电子病历系统公司Altos Solutions的成果。此外,它还有一个病人入口和计费系统。这些板块和技术加起来就能提供这家公司所称的全球最大的结构化真实肿瘤学数据和信息的单一来源。Flatiron希望,通过让这些数据以符合健康保险便利及责任法案(HIPAA)的方式分享传播,能促进个体化的用药和研究。

The technology is now being used by between 1,500 and 2,000 clinicians and administrators at more than 200 cancer centers, Turner said.

With $138 million raised so far, the company clearly has clearly captured investors’ attention. Flatiron’s $130 million Series B is the fourth-largest round in which Google Ventures has participated and is its largest medical software deal to date. (The firm also participated in Flatiron’s Series A round.)

Google’s interest in a healthcare company is not that surprising. Last fall, it announced Calico, an effort focused on health and well-being, and its venture arm has investments in Foundation Medicine andDNAnexus. (Google Ventures did not respond to a request for comment.)
谷歌公司对医疗保健公司的投资兴趣完全在人们意料之中。这家公司去年秋天宣布成立Calico公司,致力于拓展健康领域的研究;同时,它的风投部门也已投资了Foundation Medicine和DNAnexus(对此谷歌风投没有回应置评的要求)。

“Google’s concern is longevity,” said Skip Snow, a senior analyst for healthcare with Forrester Research. “They believe the relationship they want to have with healthcare is a longevity play—how do we help people live longer, healthier lives?”
弗雷斯特研究公司(Forrester Research)资深分析师斯基普o斯诺说:“谷歌想要的是长生不老。他们深信自己介入医疗保健领域就是为了追求长寿——怎么帮助人们活得更长久、更健康?”

‘How are you possibly going to keep up?’

“We have worked with Nat and Zach before, having funded their last company Invite Media, and given their track record, we wanted to be involved in their next venture,” said Josh Kopelman, a partner withFirst Round Capital, which also participated in both of Flatiron Health’s funding rounds.
首轮资本公司(First Round Capital)合伙人乔什o科普曼说:“我们以前就和奈特及扎克合作过,也投资了他们上一个公司Invite Media。正是考虑到他们的一贯表现,我们决定投资他们现在的企业。”它也参与了Flatiron Health的两轮融资。

“The fact that they’re going after solving a problem that will have major impact in cancer care is hugely important and made it even more compelling for us to be involved,” Kopelman added. “It’s pretty rare to have a team like the one they’re building go after this kind of idea.”

There is a “seismic shift” happening toward evidence-based medicine, Snow said. “The number of possibilities for what a doctor should do about a health problem is getting unmanageable, he said, “especially in cancer, which is very complex.”

Further complicating the process is the fact that so many cancer drugs in the pipeline are biomarked, Snow added, meaning that they are tailored to physiologically impact only certain groups of people, rather than the entire population.

“If you’re an oncologist practicing in a community hospital in Nebraska, how are you possibly going to keep up with all that?” Snow said.

On the other hand, Flatiron’s “96 percent” statistic is “very deceiving,” Snow said. Most clinical trials won’t accept patients in the early stages of cancer, and even if they do, they typically are looking for a relatively uncommon form of the disease, he said.

“Not every cancer victim is a candidate for clinical trials,” Snow said. “The fact that four percent participate is not a very meaningful statistic.”

Compounding the problem: Cancer victims typically don’t know which trials they’re eligible to be in, Snow said. “Even a doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering may not know what’s going on at Stanford,” he said.
使问题更趋复杂的是:癌症患者一般并不知道自己适合参加哪些临床试验,斯诺称。“就算是斯隆o凯特灵纪念中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering,纽约著名癌症治疗中心——译注)的医生可能也不知道斯坦福大学(Stanford)的研究进展。”

Flatiron’s technology alerts physicians when their patients are eligible for a particular trial, Turner said.