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科技是否万能 大数据能够战胜癌症吗

‘The Lexis-Nexis of cancer’

Large cancer institutes such as Sloan Kettering and Mt. Sinai’s Icahn Institute are in many ways trying to do the same thing as Flatiron with their own sets of data. Those institutions are considered to have more expertise to deal with the data; Flatiron’s fundamental position is that the use of only one institution’s data, however large, is insufficient to fully address the problem.
像斯隆o凯特灵和西奈山伊坎研究院(Mt. Sinai’s Icahn Institute)这样的大型癌症研究机构也在很多方面想利用自己的数据积累开展和Flatiron一样的业务。人们认为这类机构有更多懂得数据处理的专家,而Flatiron的主要问题是它只能用一个机构的数据。不管这个数据量有多大,都不足以解决问题。

It’s the same issue at hand with exploiting electronic medical records overall, said Alan Louie, research director with IDC’s Health Insights group.
IDC公司Health Insights集团的研究总监阿兰o路易称,要深入研究所有电子病历也存在这个问题。

“The fact that you have the data all in one place is one thing, but whether you can make it usable effectively is another,” Louie said. “You have to really combine the bioinformatics with a knowledge of cancer and the manifestation of the disease.”

The large cancer institutes may have more limited data sets, given that they don’t aggregate data from a variety of sources the way Flatiron does, “but I’d argue the researchers there may be more aware of the subtleties of genomics and probably can analyze the data more effectively,” he said.

There are other EMR systems that Flatiron competes with, Turner says, such as Epic. But for analytics, “I honestly haven’t seen too many,” he said. “Maybe Microsoft Excel.”

IBM is also a player, but “they’re very geared toward the top one percent and focused on decision support,” Turner said. The American Society of Clinical Oncology’s CancerLinQ is another.
IBM公司同样也是对手之一,但“它们主要致力于为1%的客户服务,并专攻决策支持,”特纳称。而美国临床肿瘤协会(American Society of Clinical Oncology)的CancerLinQ算另一个。

Forrester’s Snow saw it differently. “Flatiron is more like an information service provider and less like a Sloan Kettering or Icahn,” he said. “The Sloan Ketterings and Icahns are saying, ‘We are the centers of excellence, the creators of the protocols and the content, and we will sell you the license to have access to our model of excellence.’ “

Flatiron, on the other hand, “wants to be the Lexis-Nexis of cancer,” Snow said. “Aggregate the data, store it, and license it to the community with tools so you can ask the questions you need to ask.”

Which means the company is better suited to compete with Bloomberg, Lexis-Nexis (owned by Reed Elsevier), IMS Health, and Thompson-Reuters rather than organizations trusted on the subject on cancer like Sloan Kettering.
这意味着这家公司更核实的竞争对手是彭博社(Bloomberg)、Lexis-Nexis【隶属于里德爱思唯尔集团(Reed Elsevier)】,IMS Health和汤普森路透(Thompson-Reuters),而不是斯隆o凯特灵这类专攻癌症研究的机构。

“I think they absolutely can succeed against those who sell information as a service,” Snow said. “That’s the landscape they can prevail in, and that’s the landscape where the incumbents are moving slowly, especially in health.”

“Flatiron’s trick is they’re little, nimble, and smart,” he said, “and with $100 million, they can probably recruit good talent.” Which is exactly what Turner said he plans to do.