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As you watch the games today, keep your eyes peeled for the ads. Layered underneath the music that beckons come one, come all to the World Cup is the ka-ching of money. According to a McKinsey study, FIFA stands to make $1.4 billion from sponsorship deals, and spending is up 40% from the 2010 games in South Africa. Although companies won’t disclose their spending, 30-second ad spots for the ESPN final are expected to cost around $300,000. Sponsoring a global event like the World Cup is particularly enticing to any company looking to make headway overseas. That fact is not lost on the Fortune 500. Here are the four Fortune 500 sponsors of the World Cup and a look at what kinds of messages they are trying to send to consumers the world over.
大家观看世界杯的同时,不妨留意一下各大公司的广告。在呼唤世人一起走进世界杯的音乐背后,是收款机点钞的声音。据麦肯锡(McKinsey)调查发现,国际足联(FIFA)将获得14亿美元赞助收入。而相比2010年南非世界杯,本届世界杯的广告开支增加了40%。虽然各大公司不会披露具体的开支情况,但ESPN世界杯决赛时段30秒广告的价格预计约为300,000美元。赞助世界杯这样的全球赛事对于期待进军海外市场的公司来说格外具有吸引力。《财富》美国500强公司(Fortune 500)自然也不会放过这样的机会。下面是本届世界杯的四家《财富》美国500强赞助商,我们来看看他们想向全世界消费者传达什么样的信息。


Fortune 500 Rank: 238

2013 Revenue: $11.8 billion

Campaign: Everywhere You Want to Be

...is the World Cup where global unity triumphs, whether you’re a clown, rugby fan, Nobel Laureate, orZidane cheering the French in an Italian restaurant.

Visa V 0.27% is here to tell us the world is united in its rivalry, driving home the message that the company is global in its scope. Everywhere you want to be is a revamped version of Visa’s 21-year-old “It’s everywhere you want to be” theme, which was shelved in 2006.

And Visa is making good on its promise. As part of its World Cup sponsorship, Visa provided all of the payment infrastructure for the games, installing 3,000 point of sale terminals and 75 ATMs at the venue. “Every time we measure brand value after the World Cup, it increases,” said Chief Brand Officer Antonio Lucio. These days, everywhere includes the digital world, but no worries, Visa is there too. Its shifted over 35% of its marketing budget to digital and social. And for the World Cup, Visa gave filmmakers across the world Visa cards pre-loaded with $25,000 so they could film fans.


Fortune 500 Rank: 106

2013 Revenue: $28.1 billion

Campaign: Gol!

For a company attempting to conjure a healthier image, being a longtime sponsor of the World Cup continues to be a good move. The McDonald's MCD 0.17% ad focuses on fitness for a variety of age groups: a young boy, a middle-aged woman, and an elderly man. And the cast of characters are all unified by one thing: a passion for soccer (and crazy talent to go with it).

With “Oh By Jingo” playing in the background, the aims of the ad are simple, too: keep the focus on the football, not the food. In fact, save for a sign near the ad’s end with a soccer ball and a McDonald’s logo in the middle, there’s no mention of the fast food giant.
广告的背景音乐是“Oh By Jingo”,目的也非常简单:专注于足球,而不是食物。事实上,除了在广告结尾出现了一个画有足球和麦当劳标志的指示牌外,广告中根本没有提到这家快餐业巨头的身影。

The subtle branding plays into the company’s desire to expand overseas and, as with Visa, is reminiscent of McDonalds' 2005 Healthy Living campaign, as it continues to face pressure about the nutritional benefits of its food.