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Fortune 500 Rank: 58

2013 Revenue: $46.9 billion

Campaign: The World’s Cup
广告:The World’s Cup

One World, One Game…and one drink. Coca-Cola KO 0.64% wants you to know the World Cup is for everyone, as the ad focuses on scenes of four teams from Japan, Eastern Europe, the Amazon, and Palestine preparing for the World Cup.

This year’s World Cup campaign is the largest in Coke’s history and will reach 175 markets. Coke aims to double its business by the end of the decade, and the key is wooing millennials. On a practical level, Coke just rolled out its 'Share a Coke' campaign, which has been introduced in China, Japan, Europe, and Russia. Coke bottles will sport the top 250 first names in America, inviting customers to buy personalized bottles. Coke gets the point across by labeling bigger bottles “Family” and “Friends.”
今年的世界杯广告是可口可乐史上规模最大的一次,将向175个市场投放。可口可乐公司希望在2020年底将公司业务翻一番,而其中的关键便是如何吸引千禧一代。可口可乐公司刚刚推出了“分享可乐(Share a Coke)”营销活动,已在中国、日本、欧洲和俄罗斯市场启动。在美国,可乐瓶上将印有最常用的250个名字,吸引消费者购买这些个性化的可乐瓶。这家公司通过在大可乐瓶上印上“家人”和“朋友”等标签,来赢得消费者的青睐。

Johnson & Johnson

Fortune 500 Rank: 39

2013 Revenue: $71.3 billion

Campaign: Care Inspires Care

Johnson & Johnson’s JNJ -0.51% wants to cast itself as the company that cares. An ad campaign dubbed Care Inspires Care fits in with its Healthy 2015 goals to address corporate citizenship for the first time. But a World Cup advertisement with little mention of soccer (except for a logo at the bottom of the screen) comes off as a bit dodgy. Johnson & Johnson, the official health-care sponsor of the World Cup, takes this route in its "Once Upon a Care" ad. Nearly three minutes long, featuring the children’s book author Patricia Larking, the ad attempts to answer the question, “Are we doing enough to inspire our children to care?” For a company actively pursuing an emphasis on family, it makes sense – lack of soccer aside.
强生(Johnson & Johnson)希望为自己树立起关爱消费者的形象。主题为“由关爱,生关爱”的广告片符合这家公司“2015年健康计划”中首次提出的有关企业公民的目标。而几乎与足球毫无关系的世界杯广告(只是在屏幕下方出现了一个标志)则显得有一点冒险。身为世界杯官方医疗保健赞助商,强生公司在“Once Upon a Care”广告中采取了这种做法。广告长约三分钟,主角是儿童图书作家帕特里夏o拉金,广告在尝试回答这样一个问题:“我们是否在尽力启发孩子们关爱他人?”这则广告对于一家中式家庭的广告来说很有意义——只是缺少了足球元素。