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Brazil nuts 巴西坚果

Brazil is also famous for its homonymic nuts. Like all the other types of nuts, Brazil nuts are also known for their great taste and healthbenefits. Besides being one of the richest dietary sources for selenium, a vital mineral for human health, it contains significant amount ofmagnesium, phosphorus and thiamine, and is very rich in protein and dietary fiber.


Salgado 炸鸡肉包

Savory little snacks you can eat at any time of the day when you are not hungry enough for a complete meal. It comprises dozens ofcategories, such as empada, risoles, pastel, quibe, esfiha, croquete, bolinha de queijo, enrolado, folhado and pão de batata. It usually consists of dough wrapped around chopped meat, chicken, ham and/or cheese.


Roulade 肉片卷

Roulade is a traditional dessert but when the Brazilians make it with mutton offal, it takes on a new taste.

Galinhada 巴西炖鸡饭

Galinhada is a stew of rice with chicken, which is a typical Brazilian dish in the states of Minas Gerais and Goiás.
