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Zuora创始人兼首席执行官 成功三分靠自身七分靠环境


In the 1970s, Tien Tzuo’s parents immigrated to the U.S. from Taiwan and promptly settled in Brooklyn. He recalls the place differently from the hipster paradise that it is today: It was a borough of mostly immigrants and some gangs. (As a child, Tzuo was mugged twice.) But he found his way to Cornell University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. While in school, Tzuo realized that he had a passion for building software applications. He went to work for Oracle ORCL -0.09% for the next six years.
20世纪70年代,左轩霆的父母从台湾移民到美国,而且很快就在布鲁克林安顿了下来。在左轩霆的记忆中,当时的布鲁克林还不是如今的潮人天堂,聚居在此的主要是移民和一些黑帮(小时候他被抢过两次)。但他还是考上了康内尔大学(Cornell University),还拿到了电气工程学士学位。在学校里,左轩霆发现自己对应用软件开发很感兴趣。随后,他在甲骨文公司(Oracle)工作了六年。

Tzuo left Oracle to earn his MBA from Stanford. He eventually landed at Salesforce.com CRM 2.61% , where he stayed for nine years and became the company’s chief marketing officer and chief strategy officer. In 2007, he set off to start his own enterprise software company, and today, he runs 350-person-strong Zuora, which aims to help businesses like Boz, Zendesk, Dollar Shave Club, and Docusign manage their subscription-based services. Naturally, Salesforce.com CEO Marc Benioff is an angel investor.
为了到斯坦福(Stanford)大学念MBA,左轩霆离开了甲骨文。后来,他在客户关系管理解决方案供应商Salesforce.com工作了九年,成为这家公司的首席营销官兼首席策略官。2007年,左轩霆组建了自己的企业软件公司。今天,他的计费和支付系统公司Zuora有350多名员工,业务内容是帮助Boz、Zendesk、Dollar Shave Club和Docusign等公司管理它们的订阅式服务。Salesforce.com首席执行官马克o贝尼奥夫自然是Zuora的天使投资人。

Zuora创始人兼首席执行官 成功三分靠自身七分靠环境

Tzuo, 46, spoke with Fortune.

1. Who in technology do you admire most? Why?
1. 在科技界你最欣赏的人是谁?为什么?

It’s not one person. I try to draw inspiration from any number of people, but one of the people who has influenced me is Marc Benioff. I worked with him for nine years. He taught me a lot of what I know today about strategy and marketing. To be able to be at his side as we built Salesforce.com was an amazing experience, and I learned quite a bit. Marc is also just a genuinely good person. A lot of founders just aren’t that nice; but Marc is generous and has a great big heart.

2. Which area of technology excites you most?
2. 哪个科技领域最让你激动?

If I were to start a company today, it would definitely be a mobile-only application. I look at the way my kids interact with technology. My 4-year-old’s ability to use smart phones and tablets far, far exceeds her ability to use a computer. The future is going to be these devices. It’s hard for those of us who are adults to imagine what will happen if we don’t have devices with keyboards anymore, but that’s where innovation is going and that’s where technology is going to be in five years.

3. What advice would you give to someone who wants to do what you do?
3. 如果有人希望像你一样干一番事业,你对他们有什么建议?

People think that success and innovation comes like a flash. You’re Isaac Newton, and you’re sitting below a tree. An apple falls on your head and boom: You have all these ideas about physics. Or you’re sitting around your house and have the idea for Dropbox, and the next thing you know it’s worth $1 billion. People seem to look for that “flash,” and it doesn’t work like that. We’ve all been with some friends, perhaps sitting around a diner, saying how about this idea, or that idea, and they’re hoping that during the course of a meal, they’ll come up with the next Dropbox. It just doesn’t work like that. You have to go and pursue an idea, and you have to work it out. It takes a long time. You plod away at something, and you try to go deep, immerse yourself, and learn. You try to take these leaps, and eventually, you hit upon your breakthrough.

My biggest advice is to find the environment where you can immerse yourself and work it out. Our idea for Salesforce came because we were all in the enterprise software industry, and we were all struggling with the limitations of software in the age of the Internet. So we spent the next decade figuring out what that really meant. We’re trying to do same thing with Zuora with a business model built on the subscription economy. In fact, I believe success is only 30% based on you and 70% based on the environment you work in. People don’t think that way–most people think success is 100% due to themselves. So, pick your environment, pick the company, pick the people you work with, pick the neighborhood, and pick the area. Because that’s where you’re going to get the opportunity to submerge yourself and to work out your big ideas.

4. What is the best advice you ever received?
4. 你收到过的最佳建议是什么?

I remember way back in ’07, when I was toying around with ideas, I went to a few mentors of mine. Now, I wasn’t one of these guys that said, “I’m going to be a CEO one day.” But I had this idea that was going to require me to leave my company to be a CEO. So I sought out my mentors and asked, “Do you think I’m ready?” A good mentor of mine said, “You’re absolutely ready.” Seeking mentors that give you advice to push you beyond your comfort zone is the best way to go.

5. What’s the next big project you want to tackle?
5. 接下来你想进行什么样的大项目?

We make it really easy for companies to do what they want to do in a subscription economy. We make it easy for them to set a price and to participate in commerce. The next thing I would love to tackle is giving them more intelligence. We’ve been [running our subscription platform] for six years, and we have a lot of transactions in our system. We haven’t been taking advantage of it yet. We’re in a day and age where it’s all about big data and analytics. We have all the data and give it to customers so that they can do they’re own analytics, but I think we can do a much better job telling people, “Hey, based on our analysis, here’s a pricing plan that would suit you better.” Or, “Hey, based on our analysis, we think that these are the customers that you can upsell and increase your revenues by 10%.” I think we can do a much better job of that, and our customers would find that really valuable.