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Zuora创始人兼首席执行官 成功三分靠自身七分靠环境

6. What challenges are facing your business right now?
6. 你们公司现在面临着什么样的挑战?

Companies go through different phases. We’re about 350 people now, and I’d say the first $10 million in revenue, the first 150 or so employees, it’s about trying to figure out this company. What is the product market? What is your value proposition? How do you price? How do you sell the thing? How do you get customers to use it? Our next big milestone is $100 million in revenue, so at this size and scale, it winds up really being about people. How do you bring people into the organization? Where are the great players that see your company as the place where they can grow and develop themselves to the best that they can be? How do you keep them all aligned? How do you make them work more independently?

We have this phrase in the company: We have one CEO, but we have 350 “ZEOs.” We like putting “z” in front of everything. But how do you have 350 ZEOs who feel empowered, and point them all in the same direction? That’s one of the big challenges of our scale. We hope we can continue on a track to keep doubling every 12 to 18 months. We want to be 1,000 people in the near future. But how do we put in a structure to have us all work together so that we don’t cave in on ourselves? That’s the biggest challenge we have right now.

7. If you could have done anything differently in your career, what would it have been?
7. 如果你的职业生涯中有件事可以重头来过,它会是什么?

I do a lot of international travel now, and I always thought it would be good to work overseas for a couple of years. I had a couple of opportunities to do so in my career, and for various reasons, usually personal ones, I didn’t choose to take it. But I think in today’s world, where the world is much smaller, technology is spreading much faster, and you have to have an international perspective. I just did this trip through Asia, and their use of mobile phones and mobile apps actually exceeds what we have here, even in our Silicon Valley bubble. So I would encourage people today to move around internationally. Try to work in different places because I think you need perspective going forward as opposed to have a U.S.-centric view of the world.

8. What was the most important thing you learned in school?
8. 你在学校学到的最重要的东西是什么?

I’d say there are two things. I was an electrical engineering major. I can’t say that I liked it, and that’s why I’m not an electrical engineer today. I remember learning this while having to take weed out courses in my sophomore and junior years: What it taught me was that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. That was a really important lesson. You become less daunted about things. I think as we grow, we get so used to being in our comfort zone that we lose the ability to tackle new things.

Now that I have a 4-year-old, and I see the opposite, where she’s tackling everything, I think the idea that you can learn anything is really important. The second thing is that when you go to business school and you learn about accounting and such, that’s all nice, but the big lesson in business is that at the end of the day, it’s all about people. It’s the organizational behavior classes are really important. Stanford has this class called “Touchy-Feely,” which is all about interpersonal dynamics. You learn about how you impact people and how people perceive you. It was a great class because in the end, it’s all about people; it’s all about relationships.

9. What is one goal—either personal or professional—that you would like to accomplish during your lifetime?
9. 你在有生之年希望实现的个人目标或职业目标是什么?

I’d like to change the software industry. I feel like we did that once at Salesforce, but I’d like to do it again. I’d like to change it for the better and create something that the enterprise software industry can learn from.
我想改变软件行业。我觉得在Salesforce我们做到了这一点,但我还想再来一次。我想让这个行业变得更好,我希望自己创造出的东西能成为企业软件行业的学习对象。10. 你怎样保持平衡的生活?

10. What do you do to live a balanced life?
10. 你怎样保持平衡的生活?

I’m actually very different in my personal life than in my professional live. At work, I’m very directed, very goal-oriented. When I’m not focused on work, I prefer to go with the flow, go where things take me. These days I have fun hanging out with my daughter. What I try to do is to let go, not dictate structure or goals, and just hang out with her. Whatever she wants to do, we’ll go do.