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Users of a leading Chinese betting site found their efforts to place bets on World Cup games thwarted yesterday amid a spat between the country’s two largest internet groups over who was to blame for the outage of an online payments engine.
中国一个领先博彩网站的用户昨日发现自己对世界杯(World Cup)比赛的投注遇到障碍。国内两大互联网集团之间爆发口水战,焦点是谁要对一个在线支付引擎的中断负责。

With deciding games in the tournament’s first stage about to be played, tempers frayed when visitors to Tencent’s mobile betting site QQ Lottery were told they would not be accepting payments from Alipay, the online payments arm of Tencent’s rival, ecommerce company Alibaba.
在决定世界杯小组赛结局的关键比赛即将开赛之际,登录腾讯(Tencent)旗下移动博彩网站QQ彩票(QQ Lottery)的用户被告知,网站将不再接受“支付宝”(Alipay)充值服务,此举惹恼了不少用户。支付宝是腾讯的竞争对手、电子商务公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的在线支付部门。


Tencent insisted it was a technical problem caused by delays in account transfers on the Alipay side, “which negatively affects the user experience” on its QQ betting site. But, customers were sceptical. One user of Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, responded with an emoticon of a face picking its nose and asked: “Is this really the reason?”

Many observers assumed Tencent had blocked Alipay to boost usage of its competing online payments engine Tenpay, a charge Tencent denies. Tenpay has struggled to gain market share amid Alipay’s dominance of online payment – estimated by Beijing internet company iResearch at 50 per cent against Tenpay’s 20 per cent.

The exchange escalated to a war of words in which Alipay derided Tencent’s explanation for the outage as “bullshit” on its Weibo feed. Tencent representative Zhang Jun was more measured, responding with a message not to “overinterpret” the situation.

Analysts have been predicting war between China’s three internet companies. Alibaba and Tencent, with search engine Baidu, are in the top 10 internet companies globally, whether ranked by revenues, market capitalisation or traffic. They have launched rival taxi-hailing apps and instant messaging services, and compete over everything from restaurant review apps to which US TV serials are shown on video-hosting platforms.

The rivalry remains mostly civilised, but the companies have occasionally become more aggressive, for example blocking rivals’ customers from using their sites.

In April, after Alibaba and partner UCWeb created Shenma, a joint venture mobile search engine designed to compete with Baidu, users of UCWeb’s browser who visited Baidu received a message that they were using an “unsupported browser”. After a few days the problem went away.

Yesterday Tencent representatives insisted the technical glitch with Alipay was only temporary – and Alipay’s fault.

“Both our technical teams are working together to look into the matter and investigating the reason for the delay in account transfers when purchasing QQ Lottery,” wrote Mr Zhang on his Weibo feed. “We all need to be more rational.”