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Lyndon Johnson: Road crew


After finishing high school in 1924, LBJ had what some historians have called a "lost period" in his life. With five friends, he bought a car to drive from Texas to California, where he worked some odd jobs for about a year. He hitchhiked back to Texas, where he did some manual labor on a road crew.

In 1927, Johnson enrolled in Southwest Texas State Teachers College. He was a student-teacher at a small Hispanic school in an impoverished area.

When Johnson graduated in 1930, his first teaching job paid $1,530 ($21,796 when adjusting for inflation) for the year. He worked briefly as a teacher before getting a job as a Congressional aide.


Jimmy Carter: Peanut farmer


Carter worked on his parents' Georgia peanut farm as a boy. By the time he was 10 years old, Carter was hauling produce into town to sell.

He left Georgia to attend the U.S. Naval Academy. After serving in the Navy for several years, Carter moved his family back to the farm when his father died. A terrible drought devastated the farm in 1954, leaving him a profit of just $187 ($1,654 in 2014 dollars) that year.

Carter successfully turned the farm around before entering politics.


Bill Clinton: Congressional clerk


Clinton attended Georgetown University as an undergrad, but was worried about how to foot the bill. He received some scholarships and help from his parents. His stepfather owned a Buick dealership and his mother was a nurse.

Clinton writes in his autobiography that he was relieved when offered a part-time job as a clerk for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee that paid him $3,500 ($25,699 in inflation-adjusted dollars) for the year.

"Though I never told anyone at the time, I was afraid I'd have to leave Georgetown and come home, where college was much less expensive," he writes.


George H.W. Bush: Clerk


Let's face it, Bush 41 didn't have to pinch pennies.

"He is completely of the New England gentry class, but he wanted to try and make it on his own," said presidency expert Barbara Perry.

After serving in World War II and then finishing Yale, Bush moved his family to Texas with hopes of making it in the oil business. He first took a job as clerk for an oil-drilling company owned by a friend's father, earning $375 monthly ($3,748 in today's dollars).

"He did want to get away from the family establishment, and not to take that away from him, but he could have always gone back to Greenwich," Perry said.

But the clerk job didn't last for long. In 1950, he and a friend started their own oil company. It later merged with Zapata Petroleum, and Bush became president of one of its subsidiaries
