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运动饮食篇 运动之前吃啥好

Will fasting before exercise burn more body fat?

No, what you eat before exercising has little or no effect on fat burning (oxidation). The body uses stored fatand carbs as fuel in varying pro-portions, depending on the length and intensity of the activities and othervariables.

Studies on fasting in athletes have produced inconsis-tent results, and when they have found extra fatburning it is very modest. And some research has shown that people burn more fat when they eatsomething before exercising than when they fast. What’s more, for most people, fasting before intense orprolonged exercise will reduce energy levels and impair performance.

Should you eat while exercising—and what?

Yes, if you’re doing prolonged events such as long- distance running or cycling. For most people, a fewhours of sustained, vigorous activity will deplete their stored carbs, resulting in weakness, fatigue, and/orpain—what’s known as “hitting the wall.” So it’s important to eat small high--carb (again, low in fat and fiber)snacks to maintain blood sugar and fuel your muscles and brain. You can also get the carbs from beverages.

What's the best way to stay hydrated?

If you exercise moderately for less than an hour, all you need to do is drink when you’re thirsty—and wateris fine. But for prolonged exercise, especially in hot weather, drink plenty of fluids.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking fluids (about 15 ounces for a 165-¬poundperson) at least four hours beforehand. Also drink at regular inter-vals during long workouts, even if you arenot thirsty, and drink adequately afterwards. For such endurance exercise, beverages with low to moderate sugar content as well as some potassium and sodium, such as sports drinks, are recommended.