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学子们 请包容毕业典礼演讲嘉宾

哈维玛德学院(Harvey Mudd College)

Beth Shapiro, evolutionary biologist
贝丝·夏皮罗(Beth Shapiro),进化生物学家

“Your unique education has prepared you for careers at the cutting edge of innovation. This is both good news and bad news. It’s good news because you’re probably going to find a job, it will pay well, and it will be intellectually fulfilling. It’s bad news because whatever you thought you were training for when you started this exercise might not actually exist anymore. Five years ago, when you guys were deciding where to go to college, there were very few mobile-app developers or big-data architects, and there certainly weren’t any chief listening officers for social media outlets. It’s hard to imagine where the next five years will go, but it’s kind of fun to do so. Will there be a Borg-esque integration of biology and technology, or self-driving cars that get rid of traffic congestion? Who knows, but you guys are going to be among the people that are actually making it happen. And it’ll be awesome, as long as you’re willing to take some risks and step outside of your comfort zone. When an opportunity arises, take it.”

北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Atul Gawande, doctor and writer
阿图尔·葛文德(Atul Gawande), 医生,作家

“Ultimately, it turns out we all have an intrinsic need to pursue purposes larger than ourselves, purposes worth making sacrifices for. People often say, ‘Find your passion.’ But there’s more to it than that. Not all passions are enough. Just existing for your desires feels empty and insufficient, because our desires are fleeting and insatiable. You need a loyalty. The only way life is not meaningless is to see yourself as part of something greater: a family, a community, a society. And that is the best part of what college has allowed you to do. College made it easy. It gave you an automatic place in the world where you could feel part of something greater. The supposedly ‘real world’ you are joining does not. ...

“One thing I came to realize after college was that the search for purpose is really a search for a place, not an idea. It is a search for a location in the world where you want to be part of making things better for others in your own small way. It could be a classroom where you teach, a business where you work, a neighborhood where you live. The key is, if you find yourself in a place where you stop caring — where your greatest concern becomes only you — get out of there.”

康奈尔大学(Cornell University)

Ed Helms, actor and comedian
埃德·赫尔姆斯(Ed Helms),演员,笑星

“I’m a guy whose primary connection to this venerable institution is having portrayed a rather hard-to-like Cornell alum on the NBC television show ‘The Office.’ It’s interesting, Condoleezza Rice backed out of speaking at Rutgers this year because students protested over her controversial role in the Iraq war. Meanwhile, I directly embarrassed this school for eight years on national television, and no protests. When I got the invitation to speak, I was scared to open the email because I thought it might be a lawsuit. ...
“我跟这所备受推崇的学术机构的主要联系是,我曾经在NBC剧集《办公室》(The Office)中扮演一个很不招人喜欢的康奈尔大学毕业生。这很有趣,今年,康多莉扎·赖斯谢绝了罗格斯大学的演讲邀请,因为学生们抗议她在伊拉克战争中扮演的争议性角色。与此同时,我让这所学校在全国电视观众面前承受了长达八年的羞辱,没人抗议。当我接收演讲邀请函的时候,我战战兢兢地打开电子邮件,因为我想我可能惹上了官司。”

“Please, remember to be a fool. Sounds crazy — a fool is by definition a person who lacks good sense or judgment. But I’m here to tell you that good sense and judgment are highly overrated. Wisdom is too often just a fancy word for cynicism. And foolishness is a condescending word for joy, wonder and curiosity. George Bernard Shaw said, ‘A man learns to skate by staggering about and making a fool of himself. Indeed, he progresses in all things by resolutely making a fool of himself.’ I couldn’t agree more. Turns out, the world provides us with virtually infinite opportunities to be a fool.”
“请大家记住,要当一个傻瓜。听起来很疯狂——所谓傻瓜,是说一个人缺乏良好的判断力。但我想告诉你们,良好的判断力被过度高估了。智慧往往是冷嘲热讽这个词的一种华丽表达,而愚蠢则是喜悦,惊讶和好奇等词的一种谦卑说法。萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw)说,‘一个人是通过摇摇晃晃,让自己出丑而学会滑冰的。事实上,在所有事情上,一个人都是通过坚定不移地让自己出洋相而获得进步的。’我完全同意。事实证明,这个世界给我们提供了几乎无穷无尽的当傻瓜的机会。”

哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)

Dan Futterman, actor and writer
丹·法特曼(Dan Futterman),演员、作家

“I am a lucky person. Of the roughly 100 million babies born worldwide in 1967, I was lucky enough to be born into the wealthiest country. Born to educated, healthy parents. To parents who had not only gone to two of the great colleges in the world, but who intended, or at least hoped, for their children to do the same. To parents who had books in their home. There’s a very good chance that many of you come from similar backgrounds. You drew a lucky card in life. That’s not to embarrass you or to diminish how hard you’ve worked or how much you’ve learned these past four years. That’s simply to state a fact. Many of us — most of us — come from an exclusive club. That doesn’t mean we’re more worthy. It means we’re more lucky. This exclusive club is only becoming more exclusive as incomes and opportunity at the top of our society expand, and incomes and opportunity at the bottom contract. For those of you who didn’t come from privileged backgrounds ... let me tell you how much I admire you. You have bested long odds to be here today, long odds which I never faced. But you, too, have now entered an exclusive club, graduates of one of the great universities of the world. And with that privilege, you have responsibility, all of you do. Do not shut the door behind you. Each of you has a responsibility to turn around, give someone else a hand up, up the stairs and through the door.”

埃默里大学(Emory University)

John Lewis, congressman and civil rights leader
约翰·刘易斯(John Lewis),国会议员、民权领袖

“I saw those signs that said ‘white men,’ ‘colored men,’ ‘white women,’ ‘colored women,’ ‘white waiting,’ ‘colored waiting.’ I would come home and ask my mother, my father, my grandparents, my great-grandparents, ‘Why?’ They would say: ‘That’s the way it is. Don’t get in the way. Don’t get in trouble.’ ...

“In 1957, I met Rosa Parks at the age of 17. In 1958, at the age of 18, I met Martin Luther King Jr., and these two individuals inspired me to get in the way, to get in trouble. So I come here to say to you this morning, on this beautiful campus, with your great education, you must find a way to get in the way. You must find a way to get in trouble — good trouble, necessary trouble.”
“1957年,17岁的我遇到了罗莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)。18岁那年,我遇到了马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.),这两个人鼓励我要敢于碍事,敢于惹麻烦。所以,我今天早上来到这里,是想对你们说,你们已经在这个美丽的校园接受了一流教育,你们肯定找到了一种碍事的方式,一种惹麻烦的方式——好的、有必要的麻烦。”

纽约大学(New York University)

Janet L. Yellen, Federal Reserve chairwoman
珍妮特·耶伦(Janet L. Yellen),美联储主席

“There is an unfortunate myth that success is mainly determined by something called ‘ability.’ But research indicates that our best measures of these qualities are unreliable predictors of performance in academics or employment. Psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth says that what really matters is a quality she calls ‘grit’ — an abiding commitment to work hard toward long-range goals and to persevere through the setbacks that come along the way. One aspect of grit that I think is particularly important is the willingness to take a stand when circumstances demand it. Such circumstances may not be all that frequent, but in every life, there will be crucial moments when having the courage to stand up for what you believe will be immensely important.”
“有一个可悲的谬论,说成功主要是由一种被称为‘能力’的东西决定的。但研究表明,即使这些素质获得最精确的衡量,它们也无法可靠地预测一个人的学业或就业表现。心理学家安吉拉·李·达克沃斯(Angela Lee Duckworth)认为,真正重要的是一种她称之为‘刚毅’的品质——始终不渝地致力于一项长期目标,哪怕遇到再大的挫折也毫不气馁。我认为这种品质尤为重要的一个特征是,情势所迫时愿意表明立场。这种情势或许不会来得那么频繁,但每个人在日常生活中总会遇到一些至关重要的时刻,在这个时候,你务必要有勇气站出来,捍卫你自身的信念。”

布莱恩特大学(Bryant University)

Richard W. Fisher, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
理查德·W·费舍尔(Richard W. Fisher),达拉斯联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)主席兼首席执行官

“Our mother would say, ‘Never let your brains go to your head.’ The pun is horrific, but the message is profound: To achieve success, you will need to keep your superb education and your considerable talent in perspective. Brains and the gift of talent are necessary, but they are insufficient for success in life. Time and again, in business and universities and government, we see instances in which women and men of towering intellect get far at first, but ultimately snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They do so because they have forgotten to develop their emotional quotient with the same devotion they applied to developing their intelligence quotient. My heartfelt advice to you is to work as hard on expanding your E.Q. as you have on harnessing your I.Q.”

迦太基学院(Carthage College)

Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit
亚历克西斯·奥海宁(Alexis Ohanian),社交化新闻网站Reddit联合创始人

“It’s O.K. to not really know what you’re doing, and just trust your gut. Make the best judgment you can. There’s not going to be a syllabus assigned to you. It’s going to be using whatever knowledge you’ve gained, whatever resources you have, to just figure it out, to just hack it. I mean, most of the time, I still don’t know what I’m doing. ...

“You are going to figure it out, and failure is going to be part of the process. You’re all here because you’re good at not failing, right? This is the culmination of doing a great job at not failing. There are no G.P.A.s after this. There’s going to be lots of setbacks. There’s going to be lots of failures. No one introduces me as the founder of My Mobile Menu, also known as Mmm, because that was our first company. Before we started Reddit, Steve and I started that, and for a year and a half worked on something that went nowhere. But that’s O.K. Failure is an option.”
“你要弄清楚这个问题,而失败将成为这一进程的组成部分。你们今天能够坐在这里,是因为你们擅长在考试里不去失败,不是吗?这是你擅于不失败的人生之旅的顶峰。这场毕业典礼后,再无平均绩点(GPA)可供参照,只会有数不胜数的挫折,罄竹难书的失败。当大家介绍我时,没有人说我是‘我的手机菜单(My Mobile Menu,又称Mmm)’的创始人,因为那是我们创立的第一家公司。在创办Reddit前大约一年半的时间里,史蒂夫和我整天鼓捣一个最终无疾而终的创意。但那没关系。失败也是一个选项。”