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禁烟10年 爱尔兰酒吧重获新生


On the morning of March 29, 2004, global television crews gathered outside a Dublin restaurant stocked with celebrating lawmakers to witness what few thought possible in this welcoming land of brilliant but noxious pubs.

“We called it Ireland’s first smoke-free breakfast,” said Dr. Fenton Howell, Ireland’s national tobacco-control adviser. “It was the first day of our ban on workplace smoking — the first of its kind in the world — and there were some doubts that our cherished pubs would obey the law.”
“我们称它为爱尔兰的第一顿无烟早餐,”爱尔兰全国烟草控制顾问芬顿·豪厄尔博士(Dr. Fenton Howell)说,“它是我们在工作场所禁烟的第一天——是世界上第一个此类禁令——当时有人怀疑为我们所珍爱的酒吧怕是不会遵守这项法律。”

But obey they did. Within a month, according to health-ministry studies, there was 97 percent compliance in all workplaces, including Ireland’s then-7,800 “public houses.” Polls even showed an 80 percent approval of the ban among Irish smokers.

禁烟10年 爱尔兰酒吧重获新生

The ban “absolutely” increased tourism, said the Irish minister of tourism, Michael Ring, a devout smoker 25 years ago. “But as an Irish person, I thought this ban would never happen. It was just part of our culture — a drink and a smoke.”
爱尔兰旅游部长迈克尔·林(Michael Ring)说,这项禁令“绝对”促进了旅游业。林25年前是个坚定的烟民。“但是作为爱尔兰人,我曾经认为这项禁令永远也不可能实现。因为酒和烟是我们文化的一部分。”

Ten years later, amid anniversary celebrations by Ireland’s health community, the ban appears to have unquestionably improved lives. It has also motivated dozens of countries to copy Ireland’s legislation and forever altered an Irish institution that some thought impervious to change.

With stunning acceptance — not unlike Sweden’s switching overnight from driving on the left to the right in 1967 — Ireland’s pubs repainted their walls, tore out nicotine-laced carpets and hosed out decades of stench. Barkeeps, waiters and a legion of musicians hailed their newly smoke-free jobs.

“I don’t know any musicians who weren’t delighted,” said Eoin Glackin, 27, a popular indie folksinger-songwriter from Dublin. “I remember my first gig in Dublin at Slattery’s pub — solo guitar — and there was like a second roof of wispy, cirrus-cloud smoke in the place. It was beautiful, actually, but horrible to be breathing that crap for six, seven hours a night. It has hurt so many good voices over the years.”
“我认识的音乐家们都很高兴,”27岁的约恩·格莱金(Eoin Glackin)说。他是都柏林的一位受欢迎的独立民谣歌手兼创作者。“我记得第一次在都柏林斯莱特里酒吧(Slattery’s)现场演唱时——吉他独奏——那里像是还有一层由缕缕烟雾组成的屋顶。它真的很美,但是一晚上连续六七个小时呼吸这样糟糕的空气太可怕了。这么多年来它毁掉了不少的好嗓子。”