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人前潇洒人后愁 自己创业当老板的苦与甜


Answer by Nick Loper, chief side hustler at SideHustleNation.com

The best part of running your business is that it’s one of the most challenging, rewarding and stressful things you’ll ever do. It’s a completely different ball game from relying on someone else for a steady paycheck.

Have you ever worked for 100% commission? That’s what ALL small business owners do, every single day. If they don’t sell anything, they won’t earn anything. It’s scary and exhilarating at the same time.

At any job, there’s a limit to how much you can earn — a salary “ceiling,” if you will. With your own business, you can smash through that ceiling if you make the right moves.

人前潇洒人后愁 自己创业当老板的苦与甜

The downside of course is you lose the floor, too.

I love having the freedom to schedule my days how I see fit, to try out new ideas, and not have a boss to answer to. If that means taking off on a Tuesday to go skiing, awesome. On the flip side, it often means working late into the night and on weekends to take care of an important job or client.

For me, the worst part of running a business is a lack of direction. By that I mean there’s no one else telling you what to work on or what tasks to prioritize. Every decision has to be made by you, and it’s stressful.

The way around that is to build a team of people you trust, either within your company or outside it — preferably both. One thing that’s really helped me recently is a mastermind group of like-minded entrepreneurs, a group to bounce ideas off of and hold each other accountable.

Answer by Richard I. Polis, entrepreneur/consultant

Best: Ultimately, everything depends on you.

Worst: Ultimately, everything depends on you.