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渣衣改造王: 教你一分钟变土为潮!


One fashion designer is taking the fight against unfair labor practices into her own hands - by only wearing 'ugly' things she finds in thrift stores.

But rather than walk around in oversize dresses made from naff fabric, Jillian Owens, from Columbia, transforms the vintage pieces into chic new outfits - showcasing her DIY projects on her website.

'A few years ago, I decided I wanted to change the way the world thinks about fashion,' Miss Owens explains. 'I was sickened by the rise of fast fashion giants who rely on unethical labor practices.

渣衣改造王: 教你一分钟变土为潮!

1.What a transformation! 'I want to change the way the world thinks about fashion,' she says.

2.Miss Owens says the fact she can 'dress well on the cheap without hurting the environment' is important.

3.'Its about taking used and abused clothing that was destined for the landfill, and making it into a completely different garment.' Miss Owens explains.

4. 'I think about how easily some of the ugly pieces I look at could be transformed into something new',she explains on her website.