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中国广场舞风生水起 跳舞大妈获商业赞助


For the legions of dancing retirees in China whose late-night public gatherings have made them the target of noise complaints and worse, one popular Beijing group may have hit on the solution: corporate sponsorship.

China's public dancers - often referred to as tiaowu dama, or 'dancing grannies,' because they tend to skew older and female - have found themselves at the center of a passionate public debate in recent months. Numbering as many as 100 million nationwide, they argue the dancing is an enjoyable form of exercise that helps reduce health care costs. But neighbors point to their boom boxes, which blast everything from saccharine Mandopop to sanitized hip-hop, as a public nuisance, saying the noise disrupts sleep and study.

The grannies have even managed to court controversy abroad, recently inviting police intervention in places from New York to Moscow.

中国广场舞风生水起 跳舞大妈获商业赞助

One group of Beijing dancers, the Nanguan Art Troupe, has managed to buck the trend, winning fame and fans (as well as extensive media coverage from foreign and domestic news outlets) despite playing their music at volumes that would be unfathomable for other groups.

The Nanguan Art Troupe is named for the park in southern Beijing where its members met before 2011, when they grew too numerous and noisy and were forced to move. Over the past year, it has become famous for its unusually elaborate set-up: a sound system comprised of multiple speakers, microphones, a drum kit, saxophone and other instruments, plus an impressive array of costumes and props.

Its theatrical performances, and the appreciative crowds they draw, are likely a major reason the group hasn't been chased from its new home outside the Raffles City mall in central Beijing.

On a recent Tuesday night, around 20 members of the troupe marched to the Mao-era patriotic song 'Tunnel War' wearing identical striped shirts and red berets. A thick cordon of spectators and a handful of journalists watched as they took up toy guns and danced around a man dressed as a Japanese solider, their movements acting out the familiar lyrics: 'Plows in one hand, guns in the other, everyone is a solider...'

The head of the troupe, who asked to be identified only by her surname, Dai, told China Real Time that the equipment cost them more than 20,000 yuan ($3,225). She said they raised the funds by soliciting donations from group members - and by striking a sponsorship deal with a branch of the state-run China Citic Bank located in the nearby mall.
这个艺术团的领头人物要求只透露她姓戴(音),并且告诉“中国实时报”栏目,这些行头花了他们人民币两万多元。她说,他们资金来源包括向团队成员募集捐款以及与中国国营的中信银行(China Citic Bank)坐落在旁边商场里的支行达成了赞助协议。

'They bought us two speakers and some instruments, such as harmonicas,' Ms. Dai said. In exchange, the group helps advertise for the bank with a banner hung from trees near where they dance - 'Citic Bank and Nanguan Park Art Troupe - Dancing With You for a Lifetime of Fortune' - and by occasionally touting the bank's products.

'During breaks, we might say, 'Go check out Citic Bank. Wealth management products give you a higher return than savings,'' one elderly male dancer said.

Ren Shanshan, an employee of Citic's Raffles City branch, confirmed the branch has sponsored the group as a way to 'support the community,' but she declined to offer further details.

The relationship has helped Citic attract at least a few new customers. Ms. Zhao, a member of the dancing group who asked to only be identified by her surname, said she had put all of her savings into a Citic wealth management product with a projected annual return of 4.5%. 'It's not that high, but it is safe. You are guaranteed to get your money back,' she said.

Another dancer, surnamed Liu, said he opted for a riskier product with a more lucrative 6% return. 'All banks belong to the state, so putting money there is like making contribution to our country,' he said. 'I'm not worried at all.'

Wealth management products have surged in popularity in recent years as an alternative to conventional bank deposits, which offer paltry returns that often fail to keep up with inflation. Banks and other financial institutions have scrambled to meet demand for the products, fueling concerns among many analysts that customers have too little understanding of the risks they're taking.

Despite support from the bank, Ms. Dai appeared eager to keep things low-key, at one point chastising a group member who told a Taiwanese journalist that the dancers developed their 'Tunnel War' routine out of hatred for Japan. 'Don't say that, we can't say that,' she said to the dancer, then turned to the reporter. 'Don't write that down. Say that it's just for fun. We grew up in the Mao era and are nostalgic about that time.'

'China's dancing grannies are taking over the world,' one Chinese Internet user wrote after a group of elderly dancers were shut down in Moscow's Red Square earlier this year. With financing from China's state banks and a little public-relations polish, that eventuality may not be a far-fetched as it sounds.
今年早些时候,一群中国大妈在莫斯科红场(Red Square)跳广场舞引来警察干预,之后一位中国互联网用户写道,中国大妈的广场舞正在“攻陷”全世界。获得中国国有银行的融资,再加上一些公关“美化”,这一幕未必不会实现。