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别灰心 遇到糟糕的老板会令你成为更好的管理者


Many of us can point to former bosses and corporate heads who inspired us to become more well-read, better at communication, or more engaged because of their shining examples. But what about those leaders who shaped our behavior and management style because of the negative example they have set?

“We learn from everyone we work with, whether they’re good or bad experiences. They can be examples of things not to do,” says Gay Gaddis, chief executive and founder of T3, an Austin-based digital agency. “All of us have had people who were obstacles, who were bad examples. Sharing that is just as important as going, ‘Rah, rah!’ “

So, what have Gaddis and other executives learned from misguided, wrongheaded, or simply evil bosses?

别灰心 遇到糟糕的老板会令你成为更好的管理者

The cost of a closed mind

When Gaddis was a marketing executive, her chief executive was overbearing, assumed he was always right, and failed to listen to others. During an economic downturn, Gaddis developed an idea on how to change the company’s direction to recover from the slump. She wrote a business plan and, full of excitement, presented it to her boss and mentor.

“He said, ‘I don’t support your plan and I’m not going to be a part of it.’ I was so shot down by that,” she recalls, that she quit to pursue her idea. “I learned that is a very important quality: you’ve got to listen to the people around you.”

Gaddis never would’ve thought to go out on her own if the door hadn’t been slammed so firmly in her face by the CEO. Indeed, his refusal to listen was part of her motivation to hit the ground running.

The importance of delegation

Cynthia Gonzales, an educator based in San Marcos, Texas, used to work for a boss who made up and changed rules arbitrarily, depending on the situation. Employees never knew which rules would apply at any given moment, and they had to depend on the boss’s say-so for everything.

One time, Gonzales arrived to check out a pre-reserved company vehicle to take a student to an off-site venue, only to find that her boss had countermanded the reservation and given the car to someone else. “The expectation is that I would use my private vehicle. Concerned with personal liability, I refused,” she explains. “Our private vehicles, if we were in any kind of accident, were not covered under the insurance, and I have someone else’s precious child with me.”

The leader ended up driving the student herself, a less efficient solution that effectively had her doing Gonzales’ job. Because of her experience, Gonzales says she empowers her staff to make their own decisions and expects them to follow pre-established guidelines and rules, rather than look to her for answers.

“I define a task and assign it to someone, give them a deadline and say, ‘If I can be a resource to you, let me know,’ ” she says. “My philosophy on management is my job is to make the people who answer to me as successful as possible. My job is to facilitate their success.”