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别灰心 遇到糟糕的老板会令你成为更好的管理者

How fear can bury problems

Gail, a marketing executive based in Seattle, used to work for a company whose founder publicly criticized members of the team. He would say things like, “I can do your job better than you and I can do it with just PowerPoint” to the lead designer.

Not only was the behavior humiliating and demoralizing, it discouraged the staff from bringing problems to his attention. “It creates a climate of fear, and a climate of fear is never a great way to run a business,” she says. “Real problems in your business will not be exposed when they’re still solvable and instead they’re going to fester and turn into big problems.”

Now that she’s a manager, she encourages her team to bring any concerns or mistakes to her attention. Whenever they do point out a mistake, she goes out of her way to thank them. “As a result, my work is better,” she says. “If you’re going to make a mistake and your team catches it, that’s way better than if you send out an important marketing memo with a typo in it or create a landing page with a mistake.”

The value of honest feedback

Courtney Johnston, a consultant based in Bethesda, Md., went to work for a long-time mentor but almost immediately ran into trouble. The mentor asked Johnston, to staff up a New Jersey office in addition to shouldering her full-time responsibilities. Her mentor kept rejecting the candidates that Johnston brought to her, who were difficult to find in the first place.

“I went through six months of interviewing 30 to 40 people a week because I’m trying to find the diamond in the rough I could afford,” recalls Johnston, who eventually had to hire a consulting team because it was impossible to find full-time candidates who met all the requirements.

Johnston returned to the office after finishing a large project, only to find that her boss had cancelled a meeting to plan the next project. She pulled Johnston aside. “She said, ‘You either quit or I’ll find a reason to fire you.’ “

Johnston felt doubly blindsided because she’d been given no warning and the woman had been her close mentor. “I will never do that to an employee,” she says. “I will never form that kind of friendship and not give them honest feedback.”