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2014-08-07来源:About Education
6. Your company is ethically challenged. Perhaps, the managers lie to customers about the quality of the products or the day on which product will ship. You become aware that the company is stealing information from competitors. Whatever the issue, don't stay in an organization where your ethics are out of sync.
6. 道德底线被挑战。这有可能是,主管在产品的质量或者产品运送的日期的事情上对客户说谎了,也有可能你意识到公司正在从其它竞争者手中窃取商业信息,等等。不管是什么问题,千万不要再让自己留在一个让道德良心受到煎熬的地方,另谋高就吧。

7. For whatever reason, you have behaved in ways that are considered improper at work. You've missed too many days of work, slacked off on the job, failed to maintain needed skills and just generally developed the reputation of a loser. That reputation, once earned, is unlikely to change, so you might as well move on, while you have the opportunity.

8.You've burned your bridges with your co-workers. Your group is not getting along in an environment that requires people to work together well. Again, at some point, the reasons don't matter; start fresh in a new job and resolve to not let this situation happen again.
8. 与同事的沟通桥梁断裂。您所在的团队已经不再需要彼此友好相处的氛围了。并且在某种程度上,这些理由都不重要了,重要的是,重新出发,不要在新的工作重蹈覆辙就好了。

9. Your stress level is so high at work that it is affecting your physical or mental health and your relationships with your friends and family. Watch for the signs of burnout and if they can't be cured, move on.

10.And the top ten reason for leaving your current miserable job - you are unchallenged, need more responsibility, and seek opportunities that just don't exist for you in your current organization. You've explored the current and potential options, and they are limited. It's time to move on. Ready to quit your job? You can resign from your job in a way that reinforces your professional image and keeps current employer relationships positive.