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Smartphone maker Xiaomi has become one of the biggest Chinese brands to be publicly criticised by the state television station CCTV, after a report on Sunday night attacked the quality of its charging units.

In a measure of how far Xiaomi has come in just four years as a technology company, it has now joined Apple and Nikon in being censured on air. Previously, CCTV had criticised Apple for threatening Chinese national security with its iPhone location features; and Nikon for failing to remove spots from the lens of its D600 camera.

CCTV has also singled out the US coffee shop chain Starbucks – which has more than 1,000 branches in China – for being too expensive.

Some analysts say this focus on foreign brands was driven by economic nationalism and a corruption-fighting zeal – which plays well with Chinese viewers.


However, CCTV’s own reputation has been damaged in recent months after nearly a dozen of its executives appeared to be detained in an anti-corruption sweep – including the head of the flagship consumer affairs programme.

Xiaomi’s offence is relatively prosaic: in a 20-minute programme devoted to mobile phone chargers, CCTV said it had found that only three of the dozens it tested were up to standard – and Xiaomi’s performed only half as well as advertised.

But, given the fierce competition for market share in China’s booming smartphone industry – the world’s largest – such a denunciation by state TV is potentially damaging.

Most brands, faced with the ire of the most powerful media force in China, tend to be contrite, make apologies, offer refunds – and hope to move on. Xiaomi, however, went on the offensive, and accused CCTV of doing the tests using a knock-off charger rather than an authentic one.

“The chargers were not purchased from official channels,” said Xiaomi in a written statement. “The authenticity of the products in the tests [was] not verified. Xiaomi has been agitated by knock-off products, hurting the rights and interests of Xiaomi fans.”

It added the company, its users, “and even national quality inspection agencies and the media are victims of knock-off products”.

Some observers had fun with Xiaomi’s statement. Sina’s Weibo, China’s Twitter-like microblog, had a steady feed throughout the day of comments on the irony that Xiaomi phones themselves bear an uncanny resemblance to Apple’s iPhones. “Xiaomi IS a knock-off brand,” said a Weibo user going by the handle of Pioneer B.

With its popular combination of high-end handsets at low-end prices, Xiaomi is by some estimates the largest selling smartphone in China. Its shipments in China grew 240 per cent year on year to 15.1m in the second quarter, according to research by Canalys.

Other consultancies put rival Lenovo in the number one spot.

Xiaomi, which was founded in 2010, is privately owned and was valued at $10bn in its last fundraising round a year ago.