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COSTA MESA, Calif. — On a hot summer day, nearly two dozen Chinese tourists descended from a white shuttle bus for an afternoon of shopping at one of Southern California's signature upscale malls.

One tourist conferred with a salesman at South Coast Plaza about a plum-colored, $610 Prada handbag while fellow visitors on the 10-day tour sauntered through the mall, each with their sole child in tow, after a morning of whale watching off the California coast.
一名游客在南海岸广场(South Coast Plaza)与售货员谈论一只紫红色的售价610美元(约合3754元人民币)的普拉达(Prada)手提包,而其他参加这个10天旅程的游客则在商场里闲逛,每个人都牵着独生的孩子。他们上午刚刚在加州海岸观看了鲸鱼表演。

It's a common scene at the popular destination in Orange County, which is doing what it can to keep buses filled with Chinese tourists coming. To make them feel at home, it accepts China's UnionPay card and provides Mandarin-speaking salespeople.
这在热门旅游目的地奥兰治县(Orange County)是常见景象。奥兰治县正在竭尽所能地让满载着中国游客的大巴不断到来。为了让中国人有宾至如归之感,它还接受中国银联卡,并配有讲普通话的销售人员。


From the mall's shops to tourist spots that offer maps and brochures in Mandarin to hotels serving congee, or rice porridge, for breakfast, businesses in California are trying to entice the growing numbers of Chinese tourists coming to the U.S. to visit the state — and spend money.

Tourism from China to the U.S. has soared since the countries signed an agreement in 2007 promoting travel. More than 1.8 million Chinese visited last year, a three-fold increase in five years. By 2018, the number is expected to surpass 4 million, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce.
自从2007年中美两国签订一项旨在推动旅游业发展的协议以来,前往美国的中国游客就开始大量增加。去年共有180万以上的中国游客来到美国,在五年内增加了三倍。美国商务部(Department of Commerce)表示,这个数字预计到2018年将超过400万。

California, the No. 1 destination, holds particular allure due to its proximity to China, theme parks and sunny weather. Nearly half of all Chinese tourists make a stop in the state.

Haybina Hao, of the National Tour Association, which qualifies U.S.-based tour operators to receive Chinese tour groups under the 2007 agreement, said the tourists are keen to see how a relatively young country like the U.S. developed so quickly and became so prosperous.
美国国家旅游协会(National Tour Association)是根据2007年的协议为接待中国旅游团的美国旅行社颁发资格证的组织。该组织的赫比娜·郝(Haybina Hao)说,游客非常想看看一个像美国这样相对年轻的国家为何会发展得这么快,又为何会变得如此繁荣。