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"Until they have visited U.S.A., they don't feel they have done their international travel yet," Hao said. "They need to see it and put themselves in the photograph, so they can prove they have done this."

During their travels, they each spend an average of $5,400, 21 percent more than the average for all overseas tourists.

"We see tremendous potential," said Nick Hentschel, vice president of AmericanTours International LLC. He said 15 percent of the company's business now stems from China compared to virtually none a little more than five years ago.
“我们看到了巨大的潜力,”美国国际旅游有限责任公司(AmericanTours International LLC)的尼克·亨切尔(Nick Hentschel)说。他说目前公司业务有15%都来自中国,而五年多以前几乎为零。

Hentschel said China is the only country where ATI, which originally focused on tourism from Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand, has opened a local office. "But it is cutthroat," he said, adding that some tour operators slashed prices to vie for a place in the Chinese market.

At first, tours from China mostly included older people, some who had saved for years to make the trip. But now more also include middle-aged parents bringing their only child to see America and school groups of teens who tour during summer break.

Many are eager to visit Disneyland and snap photographs at landmarks such as the Hollywood sign and San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. They enjoy trying American foods — steak is a favorite — and taking advantage of cheaper prices for designer goods.
许多人渴望去迪士尼乐园(Disneyland),在好莱坞标志以及旧金山的金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)等标志性建筑旁拍照。他们乐于尝试美国食物——牛排最受欢迎——购买价钱更实惠的名牌商品。

"It's shopping paradise," said 35-year-old Cici Chen on a stop at Disney California Adventure. Chen said she planned to fill up her suitcases on her California vacation before returning to Shanghai.
“这里是购物天堂,”35岁的陈琦琦(音译)说。在迪士尼加州冒险乐园(Disney California Adventure)游玩的她说自己打算在结束在加州的度假、回上海之前,把几个箱子都装满。

In the early years, Disney officials traveled to China to try to explain to the elder generations what the park was about since many weren't as familiar with American stories and movies as are younger visitors today.

"A challenge was many of our Chinese guests were not familiar with the Disney stories," said Nicky Tang, director of Asia Pacific sales for Disney Destinations, of the older generation of tourists. "They grew up not knowing who Snow White is or Cinderella or Peter Pan."
“当时的挑战是,我们的中国游客中许多都不熟悉迪士尼的故事,”迪士尼亚太地区销售总监邓庆玲(Nicky Tang)指的是老一辈游客。“他们在成长过程中不知道白雪公主(Snow White)、灰姑娘(Cinderella)和彼得·潘(Peter Pan)是谁。

Many Chinese tourists see America from large tour buses, while some travel in smaller groups or rent cars to explore on their own. Others come on trips sponsored by employers as job-related perks, and travel in huge groups.

A 7,000-strong contingent held a two-day meeting in Southern California earlier this year and then fanned out to travel across the region. A group more than twice that size is expected in California next year, said Ed Fuller, president of the Orange County Visitors Association.
今年早些时候,一个7000人的庞大团体在南加州举行了一次为期两天的会议。会议结束后,这些人四散而去,在加州各地旅行。奥兰治县旅游观光协会(Orange County Visitors Association)主席埃德·富勒(Ed Fuller)表示,明年加州预计会迎来一个规模是其两倍多的团体。

Zhang Huan, 42, was among those touring Disney California Adventure with his wife, mother-in-law and 11-year-old son. He said he budgeted $20,000 for the family's first U.S. trip. While the itinerary mostly focused on leisure, Zhang said he was also looking forward to making a stop with his son at a college campus.

He hopes it's not the last visit there.

"If he can study hard, he can go to Stanford," Zhang said.