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Bus safety

Sexual harassment can also be a problem for female students.

According to a survey conducted by the Guangzhou Women’s Federation in June, 90 percent of female college students experience sexual harassment.

Wang Siying, 22, a graduate student at the University of International Business and Economics, was once accosted on the bus. At around 9 pm, a strange man followed her around for an hour asking for her QQ number. Wang was afraid and kept shaking her head. Finally, the man left. “I was really relieved when he ran away.”

Chen suggests staying on the bus is the wisest choice in this situation, as there are cameras and witnesses on board. Plus, you can always give someone the wrong number. If there is any obvious sexual contact between a culprit and a victim, the victim can call the police.

Hitchhiker’s guide

Unlike Song and Wang, Sui Xin, 25, a graduate at China Agricultural University, knows how to defend herself. She even goes hitchhiking across Xinjiang.

But she’s also heard some horror stories. A friend hitched a ride from Sichuan to Tibet, but after two days on the road, the driver attempted to sleep with her. Her friend fled to safety.

“This made me more cautious about hitchhiking,” she said. Sui reads travel books regularly and keeps in touch with other travel enthusiasts. According to Sui, keeping a low profile helps you stay safe. On trains she’ll wear a hat and sport clothes with no makeup, and she dresses like locals at her destination.

As for traveling, Chen says girls should never leave without at least two friends.