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1. 电影《欢乐满人间》(Mary Poppins)
It is 50 years since Mary Poppins appeared on cinema screens. The film presented a very particular view of middle-class family life, but have movies influenced how people think about parenting?

Mary Poppins taught parents many things. Bedrooms are better tidied, every chore has its fun side and an organised day is a happy day. Poppins's strict-but-saccharine manner brought the unruly Jane and Michael Banks under control - she succeeded where their parents and numerous lesser nannies could not.

Though decades old, Poppins's techniques are still lauded by parents.

Childcare blogger Kenney Myers describes her as "the gold standard", while parenting expert Michael Grose says there are some key parenting lessons to learn from Poppins.


The relationship between parents and children, or nannies and children, is one often explored in films. It can result in a strange osmosis for viewers.

"The things we can learn from Mary Poppins is how important boundaries are, and the role that they play in raising children," says Bernie Wooder, a psychoanalyst who uses "film therapy" as part of his treatment technique.

"When she comes along she brings organisation and it appears to look like magic because everything starts to go right. It's an effective lesson."

电影《欢乐满人间》(Mary Poppins)已问世50年。这部电影以一个独特视角向人们展示了中等家庭的生活,但电影真的对养育孩子有影响吗?




育儿博主肯尼•迈尔斯(Kenney Myers)将她描述为“金本位”,而且育儿专家迈克尔•格罗斯称可以从玛丽阿姨身上学到很多育儿经验。


精神分析学家伯尼•伍德(Bernie Wooder)把“电影疗法”作为其治疗技术的一部分,他提到:“我们可以从玛丽•波平斯(Mary Poppins)身上学到父母与孩子间界限的重要性,而且它们在抚养孩子过程中所扮演着重要角色。”
