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4. 有关保姆的电影

Mrs Doubtfire, The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins aren't the only films to draw on the transformative role a nanny can play in children's lives:

Mr Nanny (1993)- Hulk Hogan acts as bodyguard-cum-nanny to two mischievous brats who have no discipline due to their often distracted and absent widower father. Includes villains seeking a microchip.

The Pacifier (2005) - Continuing the theme of hard man-cum-nanny, Vin Diesel (pictured) looks after five antagonistic kids whose father has died. Gruff exteriors transformed on both sides. Includes villains seeking microchip-like technology.

Nanny McPhee (2005) - Emma Thompson's Nanny McPhee swoops in to help a widower handle his seven unruly children. With magic and discipline she transforms their lives, changing herself in the process.

Jack and Sarah (1995) - Richard E Grant's Jack is a widower, after his partner dies in childbirth. Grief-stricken, he goes off the rails, until he eventually faces his parental duties with help from nanny Amy.

The Nanny Diaries (2007) - Shock. No widow or widower. Scarlett Johansson is a nanny for a rich family in which the son is neglected. Despite getting fired, she transforms the lives of the child and wife.


《保姆先生》(Mr Nanny)(1993年):霍克•霍肯(Hulk Hogan)在剧中扮演两位淘气顽童的保镖兼保姆,他们的单亲父亲经常心烦意乱并且常常不在孩子身边,所以孩子变得很没规矩。其中包括饰演坏人盗取电脑微芯片。

《神勇奶爸》(The Pacifier)(2005年):这部电影的主题还是有关既当爸又当保姆的男人,范•迪塞尔(Vin Diesel)负责照顾五个父亲去世的调皮孩子,慢慢地,双方的隔阂便消除了。其中的剧情包括饰演坏人寻找微芯片技术。

《魔法保姆麦克菲》Nanny McPhee (2005) :埃玛•汤普森(Emma Thompson)出演《魔法保姆麦克菲》,在其中帮助一位鳏夫照料7位不守规矩的孩子。她用魔法和惩罚改变他们的生活,同时在这个过程中也改变了自己。

《亲亲俏奶妈》(Jack and Sarah)(1995):理查德•格兰特(Richard E Grant)饰演杰克,其妻子在分娩时去世,极度悲伤的他曾出轨,最终在保姆艾米的帮助下认识到做父亲的责任。

《保姆日记》(The Nanny Diaries)(2007):刚看到时很震惊,没有寡妇也没有鳏夫。斯嘉丽•约翰逊在其中扮演一名富裕家庭的保姆,这个家中的儿子一直被忽视。尽管最后被辞退,但她改变了孩子和妻子的生活。