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But impulsivity peaks around age 16, Dr. Casey noted, and in their 20s most people achieve adult levels of cognitive control. Among healthy adults, it begins to wane noticeably in the 70s or 80s, often manifesting as an inability to remember names or words, because of distractions that the mind once would have suppressed.

Bolstering this mental ability, specialists are now suggesting, might be particularly helpful in treating A.D.H.D. and A.D.D.

To do so, researchers are testing mindfulness: teaching people to monitor their thoughts and feelings without judgments or other reactivity. Rather than simply being carried away from a chosen focus, they notice that their attention has wandered, and renew their concentration.

According to a recent report in Clinical Neurophysiology, adults with A.D.D. were shown to benefit from mindfulness training combined with cognitive therapy; their improvements in mental performance were comparable to those achieved by subjects taking medications.
《临床神经生理学》(Clinical Neurophysiology)上最近的一份报告显示,成年ADD患者可从正念训练加认知治疗中受益;他们在精神功能方面的改善与服用药物的受试者相当。

The training led to a decline in impulsive errors, a problem typical of A.D.D., while the cognitive therapy helped them be less self-judgmental about mistakes or distractedness.

Mindfulness seems to flex the brain circuitry for sustaining attention, an indicator of cognitive control, according to research by Wendy Hasenkamp and Lawrence Barsalou at Emory University.
艾默理大学(Emory University)的温迪·哈森坎普(Wendy Hasenkamp)和劳伦斯·巴萨卢(Lawrence Barsalou)的研究显示,正念冥想能改变认知控制的指标之一——大脑维持注意力的神经回路。

For a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, they imaged the brains of meditators while they went through four basic mental movements: focusing on a chosen target, noticing that their minds had wandered, bringing their minds back to the target, and sustaining their focus there.
在一项发表于《人类神经科学前沿》(Frontiers in Human Neuroscience)上的研究中,他们拍摄了冥想者在进行四种基本的精神活动时的脑部影像:专注于选定的目标、注意到自己已经走神、将注意力带回到目标之上、将注意力持续集中在那里。

Those movements appeared to strengthen the neural circuitry for keeping attention on a chosen point of focus.

Meditation is a cognitive control exercise that enhances "the ability to self-regulate your internal distractions," said Dr. Adam Gazzaley, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco.
冥想是一种认知控制锻炼,它可以增强“人对内部干扰进行自我调节的能力,”加州大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)的神经科学家亚当·加扎利(Adam Gazzaley)博士指出。

His research seeks to duplicate these effects with video games that "selectively target the key circuits without the kind of side effects you get with drugs."

With colleagues, he designed NeuroRacer, a game for older adults in which they respond to traffic signs that appear suddenly while driving on a winding road. The game enhanced cognitive control in subjects ranging from 60 to 85, according to a study published in Nature.

Stephen Hinshaw, a specialist in developmental psychopathology at the University of California, Berkeley, said the time was ripe to explore the utility of nondrug interventions like mindfulness.
加州大学伯克利分校( University of California, Berkeley)的发展精神病理学专家史蒂芬·欣肖(Stephen Hinshaw)表示,探索正念冥想等非药物干预的效用的时机已经成熟。

Dr. Swanson agreed. "I was a skeptic until I saw the data," he said, "and the findings are promising."