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"Sugar" has come to represent (or it should) the entire group of processed, nutritionally worthless caloric sweeteners, including table sugar, high fructose corn syrup and so-called healthy alternatives like agave syrup, brown rice syrup, reduced fruit juice and a dozen others.

All appear to be damaging because they're added sugars, as opposed to naturally occurring ones, like those in actual fruit, which are not problematic. And although added fructose may be more harmful than the others, it could also be that those highly refined carbohydrates that our bodies rapidly break down to sugar — white bread, for example — are equally unhealthy. Again: These are hyperprocessed foods.

In sum: Sugar is not the enemy, or not the only enemy. The enemy is hyperprocessed food, including sugar.

In the United States — the world's most obese country — the most recent number for the annual cost of obesity is close to $200 billion. (Obesity-related costs are incalculable but could easily exceed $1 trillion annually. Wanna balance the budget? Eat real food.) The amount the National Institutes of Health expends for obesity-related research is less than $1 billion annually, and there is no single large, convincing study (and no small study will do) that proposes to solve the underlying causes of obesity. If the solution were as simple as "salt, fat, sugar" or the increasingly absurd-sounding "calories in, calories out," surely we'd have made some progress by now.
在美国这个全球最肥胖的国度里,最新数据显示每年在肥胖问题上的花销达到2000亿美元(约合1.2万亿元人民币)。(肥胖相关的支出无法计算,但每年超过1万亿美元应该不成问题。想财政收支平衡?吃真正的食物。)国家医学院每年用在肥胖相关研究上的经费不到10亿美元,而且没有一个有说服力的大型研究(在这个问题上小型研究是没用的)能提出解决肥胖潜在成因的办法。如果解决方案就“盐、脂肪、糖”这么简单,或者是那个越听越荒唐的“卡路里进,卡路里出”(calories in, calories out),我们现在应该已经有一些进展才对。

We know that eating real food is a general solution, but a large part of our dietary problems might stem from something as simple as the skyrocketing and almost unavoidable consumption of caloric sweeteners and/or hyperprocessed carbs, which are in 80 percent of our food products.

Or it could be those factors in tandem with others, like the degradation of our internal networks of bacteria, which in turn could be caused by the overuse of antibiotics or other environmental issues. Or it could be even more complex.

The point is we need to know for certain, because until we have an actual smoking gun, it's difficult to persuade lawmakers to enact needed policies. (Smoking gun studies are difficult in the diet world, but throwing up our hands in the face of complexity serves the interests of processed-food pushers.) Look no further than the example of tobacco.

Meanwhile, if we had to pick one target in the interim, caloric sweeteners are unquestionably it; they're well correlated with weight gain (and their reduction equally well correlated with weight loss), Type 2 diabetes and many other problems. How to limit the intake of sugar? A soda tax is a start, proper labeling would be helpful, and — quite possibly most important, because it's going to take us a generation or two to get out of this mess — restrictions on marketing sweet "food" to children.

There's no reason to delay action on those kinds of moves. But let's get the science straight so that firm, convincing, sound, evenhanded recommendations can be made based on the best possible evidence. And meanwhile, let's also get the simple message straight: It's "Eat Real Food."