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With summer vacations ending, you may feel there’s no longer an acceptable reason to be away from work. Can you afford to stay home with a sick child or work from home while supervising a contractor now that the season for time off has ended?

The answer is yes. Workplace flexibility is increasingly important to your colleagues and supervisors. In fact, it was ranked as the most important perk (after cash and benefits) in an EY survey last year. Thirty-four percent of men and 30% of women reported they’d go so far as to quit their job if they weren’t offered day-to-day flexibility.
答案的肯定的。对于你的同事和上司来说,工作场所的灵活性正变得越来越重要。事实上,安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young)去年进行的一项调查显示,工作场所的灵活性被视为最重要的福利(仅次于现金和补贴)。34%的男性和30%的女性表示,如果某项工作不能提供日常工作场所的灵活性,他们甚至可能会考虑辞职。


Companies are responding to this demand: between 2008 and 2014, more employers surveyed by the Families and Work Institute allowed employees to occasionally work from home (from 50% to 67%), control their breaks (from 84% to 92%), control overtime hours (from 27% to 45%), and take time off during the workday for personal needs (from 73% to 82%).
许多公司也在迎合这种需求:家庭与工作协会(Families and Work Institute)的调查显示,从2008年到2014年,越来越多的雇主允许员工偶尔在家办公(从50%增加到67%)、控制休息时间(从84%增加到92%)、控制加班时间(从27%增加到45%),因个人需要在工作时间请假(从73%增加到82%)。

But figuring out when to disclose a personal obligation that takes you away from work—and how much detail to give—isn’t always simple. “The reality is that every work environment has a big culture and then there are subcultures. Any worker needs to test it,” says KarynTwaronite, EY Americas global diversity and inclusiveness officer and a partner at Ernst & Young.

So, why should you share anything about a family commitment that takes you away from work? Why not just take the time you need but not explain?