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9种邮件中常见的无理要求 你中招了吗?

5. Name some times for a meeting
5. 定见面时间。

It’s a red flag when people feel entitled to a face-to-face conversation. A friendlier option is to ask strangers if they’re willing to meet, or if there’s a more convenient way for them to communicate with you.

6. Introduce you to specific people in their networks
6. 把自己介绍给他们认识的人

It’s not fair to ask people to put their relationships on the line for someone they don’t know. Instead, ask if they know anyone who might be a good source of insight on a particular topic, and they may suggest a person who they feel comfortable connecting.

After strangers respond to your initial message, don’t…

7. Email them every day—or even every week
7. 每天或每周发邮件

People sometimes interpret a polite reply from a stranger as an offering of friendship. If you’re tempted to reach out too regularly, try saving your points in a draft email, and then prune at the end of the month. Intermittent reinforcement can be a powerful thing.

8. Immediately introduce them to someone else
8. 马上把他们介绍给别人

This can come across as using your newfound access to gain status or influence with the third party. The safe bet here is to simply ask for permission first: “I thought you two might enjoy a chat for the following reason. Are you interested in connecting?"

9. Invite them to collaborate
9. 邀请他们合作

You just proposed marriage on the second date. Try having a dialogue first, and explore whether working together might prove mutually beneficial.